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HUGO PLANNING ..00M-M-I-.SSl0N MINUTES - MARCH '22. 1995 <br />[he regular meeting of the Hugo Planning Commission was called to order by <br />Chairperson Peltier at 7:00 p.m' <br />PRESENT: Agness, Miltz-Miller, Schumann, Rubenzer, Malaski, Peltier, <br />Kellison, Robert Museus, City Administrator <br />ABSENT: None <br />Motion was made by Kellison seconded by Schumann to approve the minutes of <br />the Planning Commission meeting on February 22, 1995. <br />Miltz-Miller requested that the minutes of the meeting be amended as <br />follows; the Planning Commission recommended that Mr. Walsh contact City <br />staff to work on conditions of the special use permit. <br />Under the section regarding site plan approval for Lessard/Nyren <br />Utilities, condition six should be added stating that the applicant shall <br />clarify the number of parcels included in the proposed site plan and <br />provide the City with the specific property description for the parcel to <br />which the special use permit is to apply. <br />Agness requested that the section regarding the site plan approval for <br />Lessard/Nyren Utilities be amended to state that MnDot shall review the <br />proposed access to Trunk Highway 61. <br />Agness also recommended the following change: clarify that the Bald Eagle <br />Sportsmen's Association voluntarily, agreed to discontinue the use of black <br />powder firearms on their property' Schumann then moved, seconded by <br />Kellison to approve the minutes as amended. <br />All aye, motion passed' <br />Schumann made a motion, seconded by Agness, to approve the minutes of the <br />Hugo Planning Commission meeting of March 7, 1995 subject to changes as <br />follows: <br />Miltz-Miller requested that the section regarding the Woods of Bald Eagle <br />be amended' Her concerns regarding potential City liability and <br />maintenance of a small park abutting two city streets. <br />Agness also requested an amendment to the Woods of Bald Eagle section to <br />reflect concerns with the accuracy of the traffic study formed by the City <br />Engineer which indicated that most of the traffic in the area will move <br />East to West. <br />All aye, motion passed. <br />