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p.C. Minutes - November 16, 1%4- <br />MINOR <br />994 <br />MINOR SUBDIVISION/VARIANCE - DANNER <br />Mr. William Culp, 14707 Irish Ave. No., has requested to subdivide a 20 <br />acre parcel in Section 23, T31N, R21W, into two, ten acre parcels. The <br />frontage of this property on Irish Ave. will not allow two lots with the <br />300' road frontage required by city ordinance. The applicant is <br />requesting a variance to allow 276.76' of public road frontage for each <br />parcel' Perc tests have been performed on each site and applications <br />submitted to Washington County for determination of adequate septic sites, <br />though no approval has been received by the City. The lot split has been <br />approved by the Rice Creek Watershed District. <br />Ms. Val Davis, attorney for the applicant was present to address any <br />questions. She stated the reason for the subdivision at this time is <br />strictly a refinancing issue. It was also determined that the garage <br />located on oarceI A would reouire a variance to the side vard setback. <br />from 20' to 19.9'. The public hearing was close <br />Commissioners discussed the need for a variance to road frontage. <br />Commissioner Miltz-Miller felt perhaps there was a better way to subdivide <br />and avoid the need for a variance. <br />Commissioner <br />Agness stated <br />that decisions made by <br />the Planning Commission <br />are not made <br />arbitrarily. <br />He stated that each issue <br />is looked at <br />individually <br />with the best <br />possible recommendation <br />going to the Council. <br />Motion made <br />by Malaski, seconded <br />by Kellison to recommend <br />approval of the <br />request of William <br />Culp/Norman <br />Danner to subdivide <br />20 acres into two, ten <br />acre parcels <br />with a variance <br />to road frontage from <br />300' to 276.76' for <br />each lot, contingent <br />on Washington <br />County approval <br />for septic sites on <br />each lot. <br />VOTING AYE: <br />Agness, Schumann, <br />Malaski, Kellison Peltier- <br />eltierVOTING <br />VOTINGNAY: <br />Miltz-Miller <br />Motion passed. <br />Commissioner <br />Miltz-Miller <br />voted NAY on the motion <br />for the following <br />reasons: <br />1. Possible <br />to subdivide <br />without a variance <br />2. Appropriate <br />cause for <br />hardship not shown. <br />The Planning <br />Commission is <br />also recommending that <br />the applicant request a <br />variance for <br />the side yard <br />setback for the existing <br />garage as noted above. <br />Motion made <br />by Peltier, seconded <br />by Malaski to adjourn at 8:30PM. <br />All aye, motion <br />passed. <br />Carole LaBelle, Secretary <br />koqo planning Commission <br />