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,[D»UTES_O9K� METTI�K� <br />Mav 26. 1993 <br />The regular meeting of the Hugo Planning Commission was called to order by <br />Chairman Peltier at 7:00PM. <br />PRESENT: Mezzano. <br />Davis, Agness, Rubenzer, Olson. Peltier <br />ABSENT: Oswald <br />Motion made by Davis, <br />seconded by Mezzano to approve the minutes of April <br />28, 1993 as amended. <br />All aye, motion passed' <br />Fredric J' Suess/Thomas <br />& Thommes have applied for a special use permit to <br />process and store <br />fire wood, recycled tree waste, and chip and burn waste <br />wood on his property, <br />legally described as; The east 1/2 of the southwest <br />1/A and the southwest <br />1/4 of the southwest 1/4 of Section H. T31N, Hange <br />21W, except that part <br />described as follows: The west 725.00 feet of the <br />north 1201.65 feet <br />of the northeast 1/4 of the southwest 1/4 of Section W. <br />T31N, R2lW. Upon <br />receiving this special use permit^ it is Mr. Suess' <br />intention to sell <br />the property to Thommes & Thomas Land Clearing of Hugo. <br />Hugo City Code, Chapter <br />320-4, Sub. L (3), allows the stockoiling of <br />material, refuse trash, <br />garbage disposal, incineration reduction as a <br />special use in the <br />City* s industrial district. Hugo City Code, Chapter-- <br />hapter110-20, <br />110-20.states "open <br />burninc is prohibited in the City of Hugo, except as <br />may be permitted by <br />regulation by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, <br />as may be permitted <br />by the terms of an open burning permit that may be <br />issued subject to <br />the provisions of the ordinance. Chairman Peltier <br />opened the public <br />hearing for comments. <br />Attorney Dave Bruberg <br />was representing Mr. Thomas. He stated that the <br />proposed operation <br />would be some distance awav from the general population <br />as the property is <br />zoned industrial' Mr' Thomas stated that there should <br />be minimal odor from <br />the stockpiling of chips' Mr. Thomas will be <br />aporoxirately 15 acres <br />of the prooertv for his wood processing. Mr. <br />Thomas stated he would <br />nezd at least a 24 month permit and the ability to <br />store his equipment <br />outside because of the initial investment in the <br />property. Chairmar <br />Peltier closed the public hearing. <br />Motion made bv Rubenzer, <br />seconded by Aqness to -ecommend approval of the <br />special use oermit <br />request of Thomas/Thommes to process and store wood on <br />the property legally <br />conditions: <br />described above and subject to the following specia� <br />1. Purchase of the <br />property by Thomas & Thommes Land Clearing. <br />2' Any open burning <br />on the site is sub3ect to pernit by the &PCA and the <br />