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MINUTES OF THE HUGO PLANNING COMMISSION <br />September 22, 1993 <br />The regular meeting was called to order at 7:02 PM by Chairman Peltier. <br />PRESENT: Davis, Agness, Schumann, Rubenzer, Olson, Peltier, Administrator <br />Museus, Carole LaBelle <br />ABSENT: Oswald <br />Motion made by Davis, seconded by Schumann to approve the minutes of <br />August 25, 1993 as amended. <br />AYE: Agness, Schumann, Rubenzer, Peltier <br />ABSTAIN: Olson, Agness <br />Motion passed. <br />SPECIAL USE PERMIT - RAY MARBLE <br />Ray & Mary Marble, 12966 Irish Ave. have applied for a special use permit <br />to keep 2 horses on their property which is 5.6 acres in size and zoned <br />RR2. The Marble's have had horses on their property since 1983 not <br />knowing a special use permit was required. They intend to construct an <br />accessory storage building which would be used partially for the animals. <br />The Commission expressed their concern regarding the current and pending <br />changes in the City and felt that a limited special use permit would be <br />appropriate. <br />Motion made by Agness, seconded by Olson to recommend approval of the <br />special use permit for Ray and Mary Marble to keep 2 horses on their <br />property at 12966 Irish Ave. Upon the sale of their property the special <br />use permit to keep horses would become null and void. It would be the <br />option of the purchaser to reapply for a special use permit. <br />All aye, motion passed. <br />CONCEPT REVIEW - DAN DOLAN <br />Mr. Dan Dolan was present representing Jeff Barbour, owner of <br />approximately 115 acres`generally located south of 140th St. and west of <br />Isleton Ave. Mr. Barbour currently holds a special use permit to operate <br />a kennel which he would forfeit at the time of development. The <br />transmission tower and dog kennel building would be removed. Mr. Dolan is <br />proposing a 22 lot development, with lots averaging 5 acres each. He <br />stated there would be an entrance monument, restrictive covenants, and a <br />homeowners association would be established. The developers have come to <br />the Commission for any recommendations they feel would be appropriate for <br />the development. <br />The Planning Commission concurred that the proposed development would be <br />an asset to the community. Mr. Dolan is noted for superior developments <br />in other areas. Mr. Dolan has requested the PC hold a special meeting on <br />October 13, 1993, he was informed of the fee for the special meeting. <br />