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P C. Minutes - October 20, 1991 <br />Page <br />property, stated that the existing building is being used for auto repair <br />and there is concern that an additional building will increase the auto <br />repair work and cause additional late night noise, odor and fire hazards <br />in the area. Mr. Meehan stated that there are numerous vehicles brought <br />onto the site for repairs. Mr. Meehan stated he had no objection to the <br />building if it were to be used to store all the miscellaneous items strewn <br />about the property. <br />Commissioner Mezzano asked Mr. Kruse if he would agree to no exterior <br />storage on the site. Mr. Kruse stated he would get what he could into <br />the building and remove the other articles if required, but would it mean <br />he could never Have any thi.ncl outside? Commissioner Davis felt that there <br />were other avenues to pursue violations, in the event an illegal business <br />was being operated, but to disallow any exterior storage would be <br />inappropriate. <br />Motion made by Mezzano, seconded by Davis to recommend approval of the <br />request of Doug and Judith Kruse to construct a 26' X 36' accessory <br />structure (in addition to the 6' X ..38' structure) on his property at <br />1 616 Ingersoll Ave. (east of Ingersoll Ave.) subject to the following <br />conditions. <br />1. The structure in question shall be used for agricultural or <br />residential purposes only and no commercial or industrial use of the <br />property will be permitted. <br />2. The city staff be permitted access to the site at reasonable times for <br />inspection to assure compliance with this permit. <br />3. This permit and approvals shall run with the land and shall be placed <br />on file in the office of the County Recorder. <br />4. Failure to comply with all conditions of the Special. Use Permit shall <br />be grounds for revocation of same. <br />All aye, motion passed. <br />SPECIAL. USE PERMIT REf"!l..IEST <br />Commissioner Thoreson reviewed this request with the Planning Commission. <br />She stated that Mr. Louis Rosse, Jr., Donovan Heggestad, and Audrey Larsen <br />have made application to the City of Hugo for a special use permit to <br />construct a 48' X 7' pole shed prior to construction of a principal <br />residence. The purpose of the request is to store agricultural <br />commodities, machinery, and possibly livestock:. The property in question <br />is zoned agricultural and consists of approximately 10 acres. THE <br />ordinance requires that a special use permit must be secured prior- to <br />allowing an accessory building on any site in advance of construction of <br />the principal residence. The property in question has approximately 30() <br />feet of frontage on Henna Ave. south of 177th St. Mr. correntl'y <br />resides on a tract of land (tax parcel 2460) east and north of the site in <br />question. Access to their principal residence is provided by a private <br />road easement which runs adjacent to the site. The structure .in question <br />is to be located on tax; parcel 2990, and based on the application there <br />appears to be no proposal to construct a principal residence on the site, <br />now or in the future. Although the Planning Commission has recommended <br />approval of similar requests in the past, said approvals have alo ays been <br />tied to a time period in which the owner must construct a re{•.i.de_-r,r..e and <br />the posting of <br />