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Planning Commission members concurred that because there are Hugo <br />residences directly affected by this proposed development, the City should <br />forward a letter addressing our concerns to the City of Lino Lakes. Debra <br />Barnes felt a buffer zone should be created to protect the interests of <br />surrounding residences. <br />The commission requested that a letter be drafted expressing their <br />concerns including the following, utilities be installed to serve the <br />industrial area, all streets adjacent to the indudstrial zone be upgraded <br />to industrial standards and the developers share in this cost, light <br />industry only be permitted which disperse no noxious odors, all drainage <br />issues with regard to Clearwater Creek or other judicial ditches in the <br />area be addressed prior to proceeding with any development, Lino Lakes <br />carefully consider traffic volumes, possibility of extending service to <br />the Hugo area should the abutting property by developed. The Commission <br />also requested that Hugo be kept informed, by the Lino Lakes Planning <br />Office, as to specific development plans for the area in question. <br />Motion made by Barnes, seconded by Mezzano to adjourn at 8:23PM. <br />All aye, motion passed. <br />Carole LaBelle, Secretary <br />Hugo Planning Commission <br />