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P.C. Minutes - May 23, 1990 <br />Page 4 <br />north of 125th St., approximately 300 ft. east of Fiona Rd. The tract of <br />land in question is not within the Municipal Urban Service Area but does <br />meet the minimum 5 acre requirement outside the MUSA area. From a long <br />range planning standpoint it would probably be more appropriate to address <br />the zoning of the entire 79 acre tract of land in question, however, the <br />request before you does appear to be consistent with the city's <br />comprehensive plan and previous council policy regarding five acre tracts <br />of land outside the MUSA. <br />After a brief discussion the planning commission concurred that this <br />request was consistent with the comprehensive plan and could see no <br />objections to the rezoning. <br />Motion made by Senkler, seconded by Barnes to recommend approval of the <br />request of Mabel Hauble to rezone a five acre tract of land from <br />Agricultural to RR2 (five acre Minimum) described as follows: <br />The south 419.21 feet of the east 520 feet of the west 841.47 feet of the <br />southwest 1/4 of the northwest 1/4, Section 32, T31N, R21W, Washington <br />County. <br />Subject to 125th St. North along the south line. <br />All aye, motion passed. <br />Subdivision Reouest (Mabel Hauble) <br />Mabel Hauble, Gerald Hauble, and Donald Hauble have made application to <br />the City of Hugo for a minor subdivision and waiver of the formal platting <br />requirements for a tract of land identified as the south 1/2 of the <br />northwest 1/4 of Section 32, Township 31 north, Range 21 west, Washington <br />County, Minnesota. It is the intent of the applicants to subdivide the <br />property in question into three parcels by certificate of survey. Parcel <br />A consists of 46.3 acres, Parcel B, 5 acres, and Parcel C, 21.1 acres. <br />There are currently residences located on Parcel A and Parcel B, and Mr. <br />Donald Hauble has indicated that he will be applying for building permits <br />to construct a residence on Parcel C. All three parcels in question have <br />direct access to 125th St. No. All sites in question meet dimension <br />requirements if Parcel B is rezoned as requested. The lot sizes have been <br />determined so as to accommodate the possible further subdivision of <br />Parcels A and C in the future. The applicants have been informed that any <br />further subdivision of the site will require formal platting. If the <br />planning commission feels this request is consistent with the <br />comprehensive plan regarding minor subdivisions, we suggest that any <br />recommendation for survey approval and waiver of formal platting <br />requirements be subject to special conditions. <br />The planning commission was concerned that the driveway to Parcel A <br />crosses Parcel B and felt that a private driveway easement should be <br />provided but preferably the driveway should be relocated onto Parcel B. <br />Motion made by Barnes, seconded by Mezzano to recommend approval of the <br />request of Mabel Hauble to subdivide approximately 79.4 acres into three <br />parcels identified as; the south half of the northwest 1/4, Section 32, <br />T341N, R21W, subject to the following special conditions. <br />