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~a <br />The special meetinq was called to order by Chairman Senkler at 8:05 PM <br />PRESENT: Bill Mezzano, Bob Oswald, and Dick Senkler <br />City Administrator, Ken Huber <br />Acting Secretary, Mary Ann Creager <br />ABSENT: Barnes, Thoreson, Henry <br />Chairman Senkler reviewed the site plan request with the Planning <br />Commission, noting the referral of the Lake Country Wood Preserving site <br />plan application to the Planning Commission by the City Council. On <br />behalf of Lake Country Wood Preserving, Mr. Ken Briggs addressed the <br />Commission and reviewed the intent of the request before the Commission. <br />He noted that the property in question was zoned industrial, and that <br />lumber yards, as well as processing/treatment facilities, are permitted <br />uses in an industrial zone. Mr. Briggs then proceeded to respond to <br />questions raised earlier regarding the CCA fixation plant and related <br />issues. <br />Mr. Briggs stated that no odors, vibration, glare, smoke or dust will <br />created by this operation. He stated that there is some noise from (-- <br />loading <br />loading equipment when the back-up bells are workinq. He stated that <br />any dust control <br />is needed on site, it will be handled by the use of <br />calcium chloride. <br />He stated that the impact of this operation on the <br />neighbors would <br />be insignificant in that the closest residence is more <br />than 800' from <br />this site. He also pointed out that the facility being <br />proposed would <br />not even be visible to the neighborhood south and west of <br />the Bald Eagle <br />Industrial Park. He pointed out that all storage tanks <br />would be above <br />ground where they can be visible and easily monitored. In <br />response to earlier <br />inquiries regarding fire protection, he stated that <br />the developer has <br />agreed to install a 30,000 gallon water tank for <br />fire -protection <br />purposes with the capability of pumping water into the <br />tank at the rate <br />of 50 gallons per minute. He provide a letter from the <br />railroad verifying <br />that there are no plans by the Burlington Northern to <br />abandon the railroad <br />trackage parellel to Highway 61. He informed the <br />audience that the <br />reason the developers have chosen Hugo is because the <br />site selected was <br />properly zoned, was big enough to handle the facility, <br />and had access <br />to railroad facilities. He informed the audience that <br />their concerns <br />regarding water run off from this site into Bald Eagle Lake <br />were unfounded <br />in that all drainage of this site would go into Judicial <br />Ditch #3 which <br />runs to the north and west. He stated that the entire <br />drainage system <br />on site will be constructed to comply with RCWD's <br />directives. He <br />then stated that the site in question will be screened by <br />installation of <br />an 8' wooden fence, and earlier communications with MNDOT <br />indicated that <br />the increased traffic created by this facility will be <br />insignificant in <br />terms of its impact on Highway 61 and 130th Street. <br />Mr. Jerry Lathan then made a brief presentation explaining how the <br />fixation <br />plant operates, and all of the <br />protection <br />and monitoring methods <br />that <br />will be <br />incorporated into the plant <br />to make it <br />one of the safest <br />facilities <br />in <br />the nation. Following the <br />presentation, <br />Chairman Dick <br />Senkler <br />opened <br />the hearing for comments <br />from the audience. <br />Questions and <br />comments <br />by <br />the audience included, but were <br />not limited <br />to, the following: <br />1. <br />The City <br />should check out the track <br />record and <br />past experiences of the <br />company <br />proposing this facility. <br />2. <br />The City <br />should check the financial <br />stability <br />of this company as it <br />relates <br />to their ability to correct <br />and clean <br />up a hazardous chemical <br />spill. <br />