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P.C. Minutes - July 25, 1990 <br />page 4 <br />Chairman Senkler opened the public hearing. Many area residents were <br />present. <br />Representatives from the Washington County Sheriff's Department were <br />present stating that their intention was to train their tactical unit, <br />approximately 8-12 members at the BESA. Training would include rifles, <br />pistol, and shot gun drills. Supervisors would be on site during the <br />exercises. The sheriff's department anticipate using the facility <br />approximately five times per year, primarily in the morning and would do <br />combined drills, using all types of firearms. They stated that Washington <br />County Sheriff's Department does not have a facility of their own for <br />practice. <br />Area residents were adamently opposed to any additional use of the BESA <br />facility particularly by muzzleloaders and non-members. Residents claimed <br />that there are currently violations of the existing conditions relating to <br />early morning shooting. Surrounding residents felt the existing sound <br />abatement facilities were inadequate and the noise may have even gotten <br />worse in recent years. Ed and Ann Fashingbauer stated that the club <br />should be in absolute compliance with all current conditions before <br />increasing any use at the facility. They also stated that the majority of <br />club members are not residents of Hugo and felt that the planning <br />commission should represent the interests of the residents and not club <br />members. Residents stated that past president, Art Timm was very <br />accommodating when violations occurred at the club, however, they no <br />longer experience that cooperation. Fashingbauer's expressed their <br />opinion that the noise and traffic created by the BESA is a public <br />nuisance and should be addressed as such by the City. At this point <br />Chairman Senkler closed the public hearing. <br />After a lengthy discussion the planning commission concurred that a zero <br />growth premise should be maintained with regard to the use of the Bald <br />Eagle Sportsman's Assoc. Members basically had no objection to law <br />enforcement agencies (particularly Washington County Sheriff's Office) <br />using the facility but the City should be advised of the specifics, (such <br />as size of group, number of times per year, types of firearms, etc.) from <br />each unit before allowing them to use the club. Commissioners would like <br />additional information on Article 15 regarding non -shooting events at the <br />club. Would there be shooting and non -shooting activities on the site <br />simultaneously, expanded hours for non -shooting events, would the 3 to 1 <br />ratio have to be maintained. <br />Motion made by Senkler, seconded by Oswald to recommend the following <br />changes to the City Council regarding the Bald Eagle Sportsman's Assoc. <br />for an amended special use permit. <br />