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MINUTES OF THE HUGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING <br />July 26, 1989 <br />The regular meeting was called to order by Vice -Chairman Debra Barnes at <br />7:05. <br />PRESENT: Mezzano, Henry, Oswald, Thoreson, Barnes, Carole LaBelle. <br />ABSENT: Senkler <br />Motion made by Oswald, seconded by Henry to approve the minutes of June <br />28, 1989 as amended. <br />All aye, motion passed. <br />Vice Chairman Barnes opened the public hearing and reviewed the proposed <br />shoreland ordinance with members of the planning commission. She stated <br />that it had been brought to the staff's attention that the DNR still has <br />not approved the City's shoreland management ordinance. Even though the <br />ordinance text was prepared by the DNR, and the city is enforcing said <br />ordinance based on Minnesota Statutes, the DNR has pointed out some <br />discrepancies regarding the shoreland overlay district map. The shoreland <br />overlay district has been identified on the official wetlands map of the <br />City; however, the ordinance text references the official zoning map of <br />the city rather than the official shoreland overlay district map. The <br />City's map has been amended pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, and the staff <br />has made a number of minor changes in the ordinance deleting the <br />terminology "underlying shoreland overlay district" Hearing no input from <br />the audience the public hearing was closed. <br />Motion made by Barnes, seconded by Mezzano to recommend to the city <br />council to adopt the proposed shoreland overlay district map and ordinance <br />amendments' <br />All aye, motion passed. <br />Commissioner Henry made a motion to request from the city council, their <br />reasons for overriding planning commission recommendations on issues <br />brought before them. Commissioner Mezzano felt such a request could be <br />helpful as a learning tool for future recommendations, but perhaps it <br />should be requested on an individual issue basis. Commissioner Barnes <br />stated that the city council is not required to explain their decisions <br />regardless of the planning commission recommendation and that a request of <br />this nature should be carefully considered by all members of the <br />commission before voting on it. Commissioner Henry withdrew his motion. <br />Motion made by Mezzano, seconded by Henry to request the city council <br />provide the planning commission with the reasons for approving the <br />Pfurtscheller/Simonet subdivision request. <br />All aye, motion passed. <br />Motion made by Senkler, seconded by Thoreson to adjourn 7:45PM. <br />All aye motion passed <br />Carole LaBelle, Secretary <br />Hugo Planning Commission <br />