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MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE HUGO PLANNING COMMISSION <br />August 23, l989 <br />The regular meeting was called to order at 7:00PM by Chairman Senkler. <br />PRESENT: Mezzano, Oswald, Thoreson, Senkler, Administrator Huber, <br />Carole Belle <br />ABSENT: Henry, Barnes <br />Mezzano made motion, seconded by Thoreson to approve the minutes of July <br />26, 1989 as amended. <br />All aye, motion passed. <br />(Preliminary Plat) <br />Chairman Senkler requested Administrator Huber review this application <br />request with the planning commission. Mr. Huber stated that Mrs. Lorraine <br />St. Sauver has made application to the City of Hugo for the subdivision of <br />a 60 acre tract of land into six lots of approximately 10 acres each. The <br />property in question is zoned agricultural and is located at the northwest <br />corner of Homestead Ave. and 132nd St. Mrs. St. Sauver is also asking for <br />a variance that would allow for the platting of Lot 4 at 9'8 acres. <br />Percolation tests have been prepared for all lots in question and all were <br />determined suitable for construction of individual sewage treatment <br />systems by the Washington County Planning Department. The applicants have <br />informed us that they have made a request to the Rice Creek Watershed <br />District for the needed permits and will dedicate the needed drainage <br />easements as required. The subdivision of this property into 10 acre lots <br />is consistent with the city's zoning ordinance and comprehensive plan. If <br />the Hugo Planning Commission feels this application is consistent with the <br />long range plans of the city, we would suggest that said recommendation <br />for preliminary plat approval be subject to special conditions. <br />Chairman Senkler opened the public hearing for comments. Mrs. Alice <br />Christenson and surrounding residents wanted to verify the fact that there <br />were only ten acre lots allowed in this area. She was assured that the <br />application as submitted was strictly a request for 10 acre lots with the <br />exception of a small variance on lot 4. <br />Members of the planning commission concurred this was an acceptable use of <br />the property in question and complied with the city's comprehensive plan' <br />Hearing no objections to the preliminary plat a motion was made by <br />Mezzano, seconded by Thoreson to recommend approval of the request by Mrs' <br />Lorraine St. Sauver to subdivide a 59.8 acre tract of land (described as <br />follows; that part of the north 105 acres of the southwest quarter, <br />Section 27, T31N, R21W, Washington County, Minnesota, lying east of the <br />west 1257.75' thereof, and That part of the south 150 feet of the south <br />half of the northwest quarter, Section 27, T31N, R21W, Washington County, <br />Minnesota, lying easterly of the following described line: Commencing at <br />the southeast corner of the south half of the northwest quarter of Section <br />27; thence west, along the south line of the south half of the northwest <br />