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Planning Commission Minutes - April 22, 1987 <br />page 2 <br />5. No significant deviations from the approved site plan shall be permitted <br />unless reviewed by the planning commisison and city coucil followed by an <br />amended SUP. <br />6. Site must be policed and maintained on a regular basis with regard to litter <br />and site nuisances. <br />7. All fees relating to the review and issuance of this permit shall be paid by the <br />applicant inlcuding the cost of recording this permit with Washington County. <br />8. No Fences, structures, or vegetation may be placed in on-site easements. <br />9. Property owner must provide access to the site for periodic inspections by the <br />city to assure compliance with the SUP. <br />10. No parking in front of the school building (along sidewalk). <br />11. Applicant will install "No Parking" signs by fire hydrants. <br />12. Provide an additional 61 parking stall on site (northeast of site). <br />13. No parking on Francesca in front of school. <br />14. Roof water to run into new additional dry wells. <br />15. Surface drainage to go into storm sewer and catch basin. <br />16. Review of storm water drainage. by city engineer. <br />All aye, motion carried. <br />Lengyel/Achman Subdivision of property - The public hearing was called to order at <br />7:48PM. Mr. Huber stated the application by Mike Lengyel and Sam Achman is to sub- <br />divide a 40 acre tract of land in the City of Hugo, described as follows; The <br />southwest J of the southeast J of Section 35, T31N, R21W. The property in question <br />is zoned Agricultural and it is the intent of the petitioners to subdivide said prop- <br />erty into two lots, one consisting of ten acres and the other consisting of 30 acres. <br />Both parcels of land comply with zoning requirements and percolation tests have been <br />completed on Tract A to assure that said site can accomodate construciton of a resi- <br />dential dwelling. The engineers conducting the soil tests state in their report that <br />"the results of these soil tests do neither approve or disapprove the site as far <br />as constructing a structure or installing an on-site sewage treatment system. This <br />testing information should be submitted to the approving official for review and <br />approval. <br />Mr. Jim Thomas was concerned that <br />the proposed driveway was crossing his property on the south side of Cty 10. It <br />was determined that the driveway is definitely on Lengyel property leading directly <br />to the road right of way. There were no other public comments on this subdivision. <br />The public hearing was closed at 7:57PM. <br />Motion made by Senkler, seconded by Jesinski to recommend approval of the preliminary <br />survey and waiver of the formal subdivision requirements for the Lengyel/Achman <br />subdivision (SWJ of SE I of Sec. 25, T31N, R21W) subject to the following conditions; <br />1. The final survey be submitted to the city council for approval within 90 days <br />of preliminary survey approval and all the conditions outlined herein be met. <br />2. The property line must be identified on-site by the applicants to assure proper <br />setbacks when buildings are to be constructed. <br />3. Any commercial or industrial use of said property not specifically permitted in <br />this zone by the city zoning ordinance shall be strictly prohibited. <br />4. All driveways or drainage areas must include the installation of 15" diameter <br />corrugated metal culverts in a manner acceptable to the city. <br />5. No building permits to be issued until the required permits are secured from <br />the appropriate watershed districts where applicable. <br />6. All fees relating to this subdivsion approval shall be paid by the applicant <br />including the cost of recording these documents with Washington County. <br />7. Any driveway permits requiring access to highways or county roads may not be <br />issued until permits are secured with Washington County or MNDOT. <br />