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MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS <br />OF THE <br />HUGO PLANNING COMMISSION <br />February 26, 1986 <br />The regular meeting was called to order by Chairman Atkinson at 7:01 PM. <br />PRESENT: Bob Olson, Schoeller, Granger, Fashingbauer, Rudisill, Ray <br />Olson, Atkinson. <br />Two corrections to the minutes of the February 12, 1986 meeting were made. <br />Page two - David Schumann - Special Use Permit - word in second sentence <br />conducive should be compatible. Page one - David Schumann - Public <br />Hearing - his address listed as 7630 132nd Street; should be 7630 137th <br />Street. Motion by Atkinson, second by Rudisill to approve minutes of <br />February 12, 1986 meeting with those two corrections, motion carried. <br />Gary Boyer - SPA or SUP - Mr. Boyer was not in attendance at meeting. <br />Mr. Boyer has requested SUP to erect a pole barn accessory building to <br />house cars for minor work. Mr. Boyer had been requested to bring in <br />a site plan which he has not done as of this time. Motion by Atkinson, <br />second by Scholler, recommending that this matter be tabled until the <br />clerk can advise Mr. Boyer of submission of site plan and that the 1985-50 <br />would be on the March 12th agenda with or without his attendance but without <br />further information a positive decision might be rather difficult, motion <br />carried. <br />Jim Howe - Variance - Mr. Howe has requested variance to erect a 40 x 64 <br />pole barn accessory building on his property. The property in question <br />is not on a city street; it is a private driveway. Motion by Rudisill, <br />second by Fashingbauer, to approve the site plan to build a 40 x 64 <br />pole barn and recommend granting a variance for the building to be <br />erected closer to 165th Street than the principal building and building <br />would meet all required setbacks, motion carried. <br />Cyril LaCasse - Proposed subdivision - Cyril LaCasse appeared before <br />Planning Commission with plan to subdivide three lots on Elmcrest Avenue <br />each lot being 12-14 acres in size under Agricultural Classification. <br />Mr. LaCasse was advised on the procedure for subdividing land and public <br />hearing was set for Planning Commission, March 26, 1986 at 7:05 PM. <br />John Kostuch - Major Subdivision - Mr. Kostuch appeared before commission <br />with plan for major subdivision of property on 140th and Fenway. Public <br />hearing was set on subdivision for Planning Commission, March 26, 1986 <br />at 7:30 PM. <br />