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14INUTES OF TIE PROCEEDINGS <br />OF T1E <br />HUGO PLAN1\TI T\TG COT'IT'I S S I ON <br />January 23, 1985 <br />The regular meeting was called to order at 7:OOPDF1 by Chairman Lorch. <br />?RESENT: Schoeller, ATkinson, Granger, Rudisill, Olson, Lorch <br />ABSENT: Fashingbauer <br />Motion made by Rudisill, seconded by Atkinson to approve the minutes <br />of January 9, 1985 with the following correction; <br />add to Tlunger; site plan includes an 8 x 72 overhang. <br />All aye, motion carried. <br />Thomas Hubman — Special Use permit — Mr. Hubman would like to obtain <br />a permit to conduct his woodworking business from an accessory build— <br />ing in the agriculture zone. <br />r;otion made by Schoeller, seconded by OLson to recommend approval <br />of the Special Use Permit for Thomas Hubman to conduct a woodworking <br />business from an accessory building with the following conditions; <br />1. That the ordinance change including woodworking shops in the Ag. <br />and Cons. zones bc- approved (with special use permit). <br />2. That no visible signs other than itnse normally utilized in a res— <br />idential district be present. <br />3. That no over—the—counter retail sales be involved. <br />4. That the number of persons working at said operation shall not <br />exceed three (3). <br />no <br />5. That there be/generation of offensive odors, glare, smoke, dust, <br />noise, vibrations or other objectionable influences, extended <br />beyond said property lot lines. <br />6. That any sale or transfer of said property and/or ousiness op— <br />eration would make this permit subject to review and renewal. <br />7. That the Council, at their discretion, can review this permit at <br />any time, and if violations are found, the permit can be revoked. <br />All aye, motion carried. <br />Robert Dotte — Farm Site Plan — 1"r. Ddte owns 17 acres on 165th St. <br />west of Highway 1 and would like to construct a 20' x 60' pole <br />building for storage of his sod farming equipment. <br />Atkinson made motion, seconded by Rudisill to approve the farm Site <br />Plan for Robert-Dotte to construct a 40' x 60' pole building on 17 <br />acres on 165th ,St. as per site plan dated 1-23-85. <br />All aye, motion carried. <br />