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MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS <br />OF THE <br />HUGO PLANNING COMMISSION <br />March 13, 1985 <br />The regular meeting was called to order by CHairman Lorch at 7:OOPM. <br />PRESENT: Schoeller, Atkinson, Granger, Lorch. <br />ABSENT: Fashingbauer, Rudisill,Olson. <br />Motion made by Atkinson, seconded by Granger to approve the Minutes of Feb. 27 <br />1985. All aye, motion carried. <br />The regular meeting was recessed and the public hearing called to order at 7:05PM. <br />Elsie Jasinski - Public hearing - REzoning - Don Hult of Forest Lake, land <br />surveyors presented Mrs. Jasinski's plans to rezone from Agriculture to RR2. <br />Don Bergman , a neighbor on the east side was present and stated he had no <br />objection to the rezoning. The public hearing closed and the regular meeting <br />reconvened at 7:14 PM. G. Atkinson felt it would conform to the surrounding <br />area and would be acceptable considering it is lakeshore property. <br />Elsie Jasinski - Rezoning - It was determined that the 20.28.acres would have <br />a total of 300+ feet of road frontage if the property were to be divided. <br />The road would need to be extended to serve the additional parcel. <br />Motion made by Atkinson, seconded by Schoeller to recommend approval of the <br />rezoning for Elsie Jasinski to rezone 20+ acres on Greystone,south of 175th <br />from Ag. to RR2. Aye: Granger, Schoeller, ATkinson. Nay: Lorch. Carried. <br />Mrs. Jasinski was advised that this was only the rezoning and that an appli- <br />cation for land division would also be needed to divide the property. <br />Mr. Atkinson noted that certain conditions should be met before land division <br />would be granted: <br />1. No division would be granted until all setbacks are met and existing shed <br />is moved or removed. <br />2. No division until a road is platted to serve the entire length of the <br />property, 30' wide on the west property line. <br />3. until a satisfactorg perc test is submitted. <br />Kenneth Granger - Special Use Permit - Mr. Granger would like to add self - <br />serve gas pumps at 14817 Forest Blvd. (Performance Automotive) and possibly <br />a convenience store and laundromat. <br />Motion made by Atkinson, seconded by Granger to recommend approval of the <br />SUP application for Kenneth Granger to install self serve gas pumps at <br />14817 Forest Blvd, with the following conditions; <br />1. A state motor fuel �ermit is granted. <br />2. Site tan is L`" <br />pati tW by the Planning Commission. <br />3• The Apt. of Transportation is contacted regarding driveways. <br />4. Any building change comply with uniform building code. <br />5. Hugo reserves the right to annual review and revise and add conditions if <br />necessary. <br />All aye, motion carried. <br />