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NIPTUTES OF THE PROCEEDI:TGS <br />OF TL <br />TIUGO PUFFIPIG C01,119ISSIOY". <br />T"ay 8, 1985 <br />The regular meeting was called to order by Chairman Lorch at 7:OOP11. <br />PRESENT: Atkinson, Fashingbauer, Granger, Rudisill, Olson, Lorch <br />ABSENT: Schoeller <br />Tlotion made by Rudisill. seconded by Atkinson to approve the <br />minutes of April 24, 1985. All aye, ;notion carried. <br />The regular meeting was recessed and the public hearing called to <br />order at 7:03P.N. <br />Sheron Peltier — Rezoning — Agriculture to RR2 — Mrs. Peltier <br />would like to rezone from Ag. to RR2 and divide ten acres into <br />two fwct acre parcels (93027-2660) 13141 Henna. A petition was <br />submitted by neighbors and residents opposed to the rezoning <br />for Rrari ous reqs ons" . <br />The public hearing was closed and the regular meeting recon— <br />vened at 7 : 31 PI, . <br />Peltier — Rezoning It was the general feeling that this would <br />be a spot rezoning and would set a precedent for other possible <br />rezonings. Residents in attendance, Jerome Jessen, 7475 132nd, <br />Dennis ScIaultz, 13101 Henna, _Men Schmidt, east of Peltier, <br />Jayne 'toot, 12899 Henna. <br />Ilotion made by Atkinson,/ Rudisill to recommend denial of the <br />rezonina.pplication for Sheron and David Peltier to rezone <br />ten acres from agriculture to RR2. <br />_AYE: Atkinson, Granger, Rudisill, Olson, Lorch <br />NAY: Fashingbauer <br />T;`otion carried. <br />Richard Brandt — Auto dismantling license — Dick and Mike were <br />present and stated they are working with the engineer to in— <br />stall the monitoring wells and also with PCA for disposal of <br />tires. the Planning Commission requests that the Fayor notify <br />Fr. TLn IToack that if the remainder of his merchandise is not <br />removed by a certain date the City will initiate action to have <br />it removed and bill T7r. Foack for all costs. It is also re— <br />quested that the engineer be required to investigate the possib— <br />ility of state assistance for screeiiiig the south side of the <br />property at least 1,000 feet from the highway right—of—way and <br />report his findings within 30 days. <br />Totion made by Atkinson, seconded by Rudisill to table the <br />decision on the dismantling license for Richard Brandt for 60 <br />days at which time they will submit -their plans for; <br />1. installation of monitoring wells <br />2. property screening on the south side <br />3. disposition of the remaining junk outside the fence <br />"tLll aye, notion carried. <br />