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-7 T/� T �,v .."ter <br />I. I.I I.T� .I�1:1: .TT?T T;? '�,✓T._..-IS TCj: .. <br />n _l_ <br />Aril 23, 19`0 <br />The m-eetin€; was called to order at 6:47 P'" to review internally <br />the proposed. Comprehensive Plan. <br />Peltier, Greger, Lorch , T'c'tllister, -Tanson <br />A )S_ 1?T: Tleloquiri and Noule <br />The Planninu Coi�-,-:ission expressed their concerns re; ardinr_- di;"J"erent <br />aspects of the proposed plan. Greger's rain objection. was Carl <br />Dale's efforts to encouraile low density develop.--ent i. -within the <br />sewered area. He felt these areas should also be kept ''rural'in <br />atr osphere . <br />'"c +.11ister corzmente 1. objections to the following,;: <br />1. Deletion of reference to city acq_uirin, Ccnservanc.y districts. <br />2. deletion of 6,000 sq ft lot. <br />3 All tPe su geste�l changes in the city code would ta'•.�e : �an,T y= ars <br />to complete. <br />Forth understood "hat T'r. T`ale was atterr,ptin�� to write the p]_an in <br />order to have approved by 7etro, but felt that re:•rordin would be <br />necessary to acco•:plish the city's satisfaction. <br />It was su`, ested that tile Planning; Co �; ,ission set up a date and ti :,e <br />for a wor'Ks iop to review the proposed plan pa^;e by page. Yo decision <br />was -lade for a firs date. <br />r`rs. "-�_I-`ier stated that she will call T`r. rale and cancel the pre- <br />viously established Special N:eeting fo_�-Ey 14 at 6:30 'PT.r. The I'lanning <br />Commission will use that i_re and date for further discussion of the <br />proposed plan. T,ngineer 'Tuusisto and Attorney Johnson will also be <br />contacted- re Larding the workshop. <br />.otion Trade by re llister, seconded by porch, to adjourn the Special <br />V!eeting at 8:04 P. <br />^11 aye. -otion Carried. <br />Mary Anp° Crea ter, Secretary; <br />Fugo Planning• Commission <br />