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TTugo Planning Co -=mission <br />April 23, 1980 <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />Zimco 'lood�- cont. <br />'`r. Zimmerman requested authorization to utilize the daJ C, hours <br />to continue normal operation on the premises. The STIP states hours <br />of operation from 7:00 A.T.F to 7:00 PTT. '_McAllister suggested that if <br />they obtain statements of the adjoinin; neighbors indicating they <br />have no objection with. the extended 'hours of operation, they could <br />-Dake application fDr an Z.1mended Special Use '.hermit. <br />RICT:1 _Rn VAIT: - ''AJO'? SU'DIVTSIOit <br />Fr. Vail has rade application for the subdi,&ion of Irene Traeger's <br />5 acres into 11 lots more or less. The land lies in the SFU district. <br />_`.)1 the land is serviced by city water and sewer. A storm sewer system <br />is also proposed. After review of the proposed plan, KcAllister stated <br />that a 'Iariance would be required for the 6/_-01 cul-de-sac (city re- <br />quires mlaximum 600' cul-de-sac). The reauirements in the SPU district <br />for lot dir,ensions are as follows: S0' at the building setback line <br />and a ninimui:, of 130' in depth. <br />Tor the record, Variances may be needed for the followir. : <br />Lot 1 (lot depth) <br />Trot 2 lot depth) <br />Lot 3 lot frontage) <br />Lot 4- (buildingsetbac'c requirement) <br />'Toward T<_uusisto is to advise whet ler Variances would be required for <br />front footage for Lots 7, 89 9v 10 and 11. :2er�=:its will also be required <br />from ';bshinp;ton County for access and egress to a county road. <br />Hill Ffanson questioned the possibility of the merging; of the new road <br />and 141st Street. This could mean the elimination of one lot in order <br />to obtain an easerent for possible extension. <br />' <br />ot <br />' ion rade by I"cAllister, seconded by porch, to set a public hearing <br />for 'ay 14, 1930, at 8:15 P-7. to consider the request of Rich. rd Vail <br />I <br />or the subdivision of 5 acres into 11 lots pore or less. <br />A aye. `otion Carried. <br />`o on rade by I`c'tillister, seconded by Peltier, t.. -at Howard Tuusisto <br />be directed to comr,,ent for the public heurin ; of t.'ay 14, as to whether <br />the Variances in question will be required as well as any other engineer- <br />ing comments. Luusisto also asked to address the dollar amount required <br />for Letter of Credit or bond .'or the blacktipping of streets and public <br />improvements. 's. Iruusisto also asked to conment on the feasibili cy <br />of obtaining an easement through Lots 9 and 10 for the possible exten- <br />sion of the new road to 141st Street. <br />All aye. T''otion Carried. <br />