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T <br />UrUGO C07,- <br />ne Special ,,,,as ca _led to order by Chairwoi,--an tier a -'G :113 <br />Peltier, c r.'k 11 - i s Iu- e - I , -{ancon, GY r e E. e rii <br />ArBSEkIT: IPe-loqui.,t-I. and 'Joule <br />v•..otion .,)ade 'r),,, T--cillister, secoi,.,,Ie(,, by 1'eltiec, t.hat t.he -Planning <br />g <br />CO-11-9isslon 1"P.Cor."men ds that the CiLv Council. a-.-.)-.,Dly for an extension <br />T U_ <br />,T <br />of july 1 , 1OP;C) deadline. I *.o --,,,ever, we (..o not wish to 71a"Ce <br />application for any additional _-Cundinp- <br />till aye.;:otior Carried. <br />PLAN, <br />..nrual ins-pection of onsi-te se�,,,er s -u -stems will. 'lave to be addressed <br />V <br />_Ln the city's CO- *,,*r)*L,('.!"*.c3nsi-v+e Pi -an. ure ter Y.�.oted that Lino __, allows <br />t7_ -Le -oro-oerty mmer to do his own inspection. P-11,10-)T77j,.',, �,j <br />7:48, PTII . I �+, u __ L-Z�JIB <br />�!, Mister ±'elt that there 1.ioul_'+ -LoO �; q <br />1,1c".. V --Ia--y chan>,es required in the <br />Present ordinances. J; 2S. � .: <br />- I AT 7:03- <br />The Plan -.ii+-.,-..: Co;-.-.r.-Iission would li'Ke theplan to st-.ate that, -thle cit,,"r <br />''encourage" a --,.)la-n for " he const -ruction of a road on t'he cit -,,. Is ease- <br />j-.-_ent alongEg.-;- Lake �toa(l but, wil-1- not a fir-rri co--:rii'-_-nen+ to have <br />the road milt by the city. <br />k_T.Le,g,x felt that -I if tI,,e city was Poirg -to encomnage develo-oment along <br />the sewered area, co-j--r.,tercial develo-or.-,ent. sI-lould 1�e located west of <br />the railroad (tracks. <br />7 u tie worl,�shop to <br />I ion "e 1)y CA-Ilister, seconded -)el r to set a <br />revie,.11 the pro-:Iosed Coi-:iprehensive =_Ian for June 10, 1980, at 6:30 P"! <br />11 ave. '.`otion Carried. <br />•7o rade-ion ade by !,`cAllis-ter, seconded by Hanson, to adjourn the Special <br />eetimg at <br />.11 aye. =otion carried. <br />I'lary Creager, Secr tar <br />+uf,,,o .171_annim- Coiir.--ission <br />