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I?ujo Planning Commission <br />'november 89 1978 <br />Paue 3 of 3 <br />G7,,IIRICH — cont. <br />Lotion made by :)hret, seconded by Peltier, to recommend approve of the variance <br />.request of Richard Genxich (1976-76—VAR) without ?, recommendation of -the type of <br />system to be installed.. <br />.,hret stated that it was the opinion of the Planning Commission that they simply do <br />not have the Rowledge to recommend. Gillen suggested that the matter should be <br />tabled and sent to the City -�,ngineer. Peloquin felt that because he had no knowledge <br />about the system, he would have to abstain. Yiir. Genrich said that tie was asking the <br />Planning Commission to make some kind of decision. Mr, Coolbroth has insta.led 100 <br />systems in llinnesota, and they all work. <br />1VOTI1G F'OR: 7.hret <br />ABSTAINED: Peltier and Peloquin <br />VOTING AGADHST: Greer and Gillen <br />1I0TION FAILED <br />?lotion made by Gillen, seconded by Peltier, to table the matter and request that the <br />City Council have the City En.ineer investigate the system to see if it is to any <br />benefit to the City of llugo to find out more about the system. <br />VOTING F'OR: Peloquin, Peltier, Greer, Gillen and Ehret <br />1I0TIOI1 C!LR_RL°ISD <br />D= All A5'K13I3011 — SITE; PLAN APPROVAL <br />Mr. Atkinson was present and submitted his site plan for the Commission's review. <br />IT <br /> to construct a 40 x 64 pole building to use for storage in the Peloquin <br />Industrial Park. At present, the plans do not include room for office space. <br />Motion made by Gillen, seconded by Peltier, to recommend approval of the Site Plan <br />for Dean Atkinson to construct a. 40 x 64 pole building to be used for storage, according <br />to the Site Plan submitted. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />There will be no meeting of the Planning Commission on November 22, 1978. <br />Motion made by Greger, seconded by Gillen, to adjourn at 10:27 1'Ii. <br />All aye. I-iotion Carried. <br />Mary !` Creag er, Secretary <br />Hugo Planning Commission <br />