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City Council meeting of February 7, 1994 <br />Page 3 <br />23. Any exterior lighting or advertising activities on site must be <br />approved by the City. <br />24. The use for which this permit is sought is not in violation of any <br />restrictive covenants applying to the property referenced herein. <br />25. The developer shall permit access to the referenced site for periodic <br />inspections to assure conformance with the special conditions. <br />26. All drainage and erosion -control methods proposed for this <br />development shall be completed prior to the City accepting the <br />roadway or public improvements serving said development. <br />27. Certificates of survey shall be provided for each lot prior to <br />issuance of building permit for that lot. <br />28. Developer's Restrictive Covenants be included with Development <br />Agreement. <br />29. Developer's Covenants encourage tree planting and maintenance of <br />natural vegetation. <br />30. City engineer review the possibility of extending the roadway to the <br />west past the proposed temporary cul-de-sac. <br />Barnes made motion, Miron seconded, to amend the previous motion be adding <br />Condition #31, to read as follows: Developer shall provide the City the <br />opinion of a reputable environmental engineer regarding the impact of the <br />septic systems, as planned, on the ground water's of the City. <br />VOTE ON AMENDMENT: All aye. Motion Carried. <br />VOTE ON ORIGINAL MOTION: <br />AYE: Brunotte, Miron, Stolt man <br />NAY: Barnes <br />Motion Carried. <br />Miron made motion, Brunotte seconded, to grant a variance allowing for a <br />1,150 foot cul-de-sac in the DUCK PASS subdivision. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />HARLEE ANDERSON ( RE:7.ON I NCa 1 <br />The Hugo Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the Andersons' <br />request on December 16, 1992, and recommended approval of the rezoning and <br />subdivision. The Council considered the matter on December 21. 1992, and <br />because 4/5's vote is needed for rezoning, and only three members were <br />present, voting on the rezoning was delayed. Due to lapse in time between <br />the public hearing conducted by the PC and the resubmittal of the <br />Anderson's request, a public hearing was conducted by the Council on <br />January 24, 1994. At that time, the City Attorney expressed concerns <br />about "spot zoning" of the property. A report on this matter, as prepared <br />by the City Attorney, was provided the (Icwtncil followinq the last Council <br />meeting. Given the RR2 zoning adjacent to the Andersons' property, the <br />development occurring to the south in White Bear Township, the fact that <br />the majority of the Andersons' property will be maintained as open space <br />and used as a golf course, and the time, effort, and expense involved in <br />