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City Council Minutes - February 22, 1994 <br />Page 5 <br />Councilmember Miron expressed the Council's gratitude for the efforts of <br />Andy Goiffon to mediate in the resolution of this matter. <br />Mayor Stolt man reviewed a letter from Kuusisto Engineering, recapping the <br />costs of the utility improvements. <br />A letter from the Sunshiners 4H Club was also received, expressing their <br />thanks in the City's participation in the preservation of the <br />Walker/Brisson Cemetery. <br />In response to a request by the City Attorney, Leroux made motion, <br />seconded by Miron to authorize staff to hire a surveyor to identify the <br />property known as the Walker/Brisson Cemetery, approximately .3 acres. <br />All aye, motion passed. <br />A letter from the City of Fred Wing was received regarding the NSP power <br />plan. <br />Notice was also provided regarding MWCC public hearings on septic systems. <br />L_ESSARD /NYREN _S II TE; , f-'I,._AN _AF_PR-O JAL_ ( ADD l :f I ON ) <br />Motion made by Miron, seconded by Barnes to add the Lessard Site Plan <br />Approval to the agenda. <br />All aye, motion passed. <br />Mr. Fick. Lessard has requested he be allowed to store his construction <br />equipment at 17385 Fore -.t. Blvd. under the site plan approval provided tc <br />the current owner of the property. Mr. Lessard intends to operate a <br />maintenance facility and -tore equipment, for his construction business. <br />Motion made by Miron, seconded by Leroux to approve the request: of Pick <br />Lessard to store his construction equipment at 17385 Forest Blvd. a�:• <br />identified on the previous owners site plan dated 8-15--86. <br />All aye, motion passed. <br />Administrator Museus informed the l=:r.,unci.l that the reQuir-.-pmen l_s for - <br />issuance of building permits for Rice Lake Meadows 2nd Addition, i.1p. <br />removal of the beaver dams, has been accomplished to an extent whi.c::rr <br />should allow the permits to be issued. <br />Motion made by Miran, seconded by Leroux to allow staff to issue the <br />building permits for Hite Lake Meadows end Addition. <br />All aye, motion passed. <br />Attorney Greg Galler- reviewed several revisions to the River- City Asphalt <br />agreement. <br />