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MINUTES FOR THE SPECIAL HUGO CITY COUNCIL. MEETING OF MARCH 26. 1994 <br />A special meeting of the Hugo City'Council was held on March 26, 1994, to <br />conduct interviews of engineering firms for the position of City Engineer. <br />PRESENT: Barnes, Brunotte, Leroux, Miron <br />City Administrator, Robert Museus <br />ABSENT: Walter Stoltzman <br />Acting Mayor, Fran Miron, called the meeting to order at 9:10 AM. <br />Hakanson Anderson & Associates of Anoka, MN., was interviewed from 9:10 AM <br />until 9:55 AM. Councilman Leroux left the meeting at 9:40 AM due to <br />another commitment. <br />Howard Kuusisto Consulting Engineers of St. Paul, MN., was interviewed <br />from 10:03 AM until 10:45 AM. <br />MSA of St. Paul, MN., was interviewed from 10:55 AM until 11:44 AM. <br />At 11:45 AM, the Council took a break for lunch. Councilman Leroux <br />returned to the meeting at 12:20 PM. <br />SEH of Vadvais Heights, MN., was interviewed from 12:30 PM until 1:20 PM. <br />TKDA of St. Paul, MN., was interviewed from 1:30 PM until 2:15 PM. <br />OSM of Minneapolis, MN., was interviewed from 2:30 PM until 3:25 PM. <br />After a short break, the Council discussed the method they would use to <br />determine the firm to be selected. They decided to have each Council <br />member write their top three candidates, in order of preference, on a <br />sheet of paper for the Administrator to tally. The Administrator reported <br />that OSM was the top choice of all four Council members present. <br />Discussion was held as to why OSM was the top choice of the Council. <br />Three main reasons were expressed: <br />1. The City's current most important issue is drainage and <br />water -management issues. OSM demonstrated the strongest ability to <br />handle these issues. <br />2. Joel Dressel, designated engineer to the City from OSM, is both a <br />civil engineer and a registered land surveyor, and thus has the <br />experience and training necessary to understand many of the unique <br />topographic issues facing the City. <br />3. OSM's strong skills in working with the public are important to a <br />rapidly changing city such as Hugo. <br />Leroux made motion, Brunotte seconded, to appoint OSM as the City's <br />consulting engineer firm subject to negotiation of a satisfactory Service <br />Agreement. <br />