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City Council meeting of April 4. 1994 <br />Page 2 <br />Leroux; made motion, Miron seconded, to approve the Special Use Permit <br />request of Frank. Puleo, 6375 165th Street North, to construr_t. a 21' x 48' <br />poly -covered greenhouse to allow for sales of horticultural products grown <br />on his property. Approval is subject to the following special conditions: <br />1. The SUP shall become null and void upon subdivision of the property, <br />excluding the subdivision of one 10 acre home site. <br />2. The temporary, tubelike structure shall be constructed in April, and <br />removed in August of each year. <br />3. Hours of operation are to be limited from 7:00 AM - 9:00 PM, seven <br />days a week. <br />Miron made motion, LeroUX seconded, to amend the previous motion by the <br />deletion of condition #2. <br />Barnes made motion, Miron seconded, to amend the original motion by adding <br />condition #3, stating that the site plan and proposed greenhouse plans be <br />provided to the Building Inspector for his review of safety of the <br />building for snow cover and wind resistance. <br />1st amendment - All aye. Motion Carried. <br />2nd amendment - All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Original Motion - All aye. Motion Carried. <br />SUBDIVISION APPLICATION. COUNTRY _PONDS) <br />On September 3, 1993, the Hugo City Council granted final plat approval <br />for the subdivision to be known as Country Ponds located along_ the east <br />side of Highway 61 in Section 29 of the City. Delineation of wetlands by <br />the Army Corps of Engineers has made development of the subdivision, as <br />originally approved, impossible. The developers have reapplied to reduce <br />the number of single family home sites to be developed from 98 to 57 in <br />order to avoid wetland impact. The Planning Commission considered the <br />request for subdivision of March 23, 1994, and recommended approval of the <br />preliminary plat subject to special condition=_. In addition, Country <br />Ponds has applied to the City for a permit to begin site -grading prior to <br />final plat approval. This request was considered by the City Council on <br />3/21/94, and tabled, subject to reconsideration after PC review of the <br />preliminary plat. <br />Miron made motion, Leroux•; seconded, to approve the preliminary plat for <br />COUNTRY PONDS SUBDIVISION, subject to the following special conditions: <br />1. The final plat must be submitted to the City Council within 90 days of <br />preliminary plat approval or preliminary plat shall be null and void. <br />2. Plat approval shall be contingent upon compliance with the plat <br />conditions, as well as the grading, storm water drainage, and utility <br />plans. <br />3. All conditions of plat approval must be met prior to the stamping of <br />any deeds for recording by the City Clerk, unless otherwise permitted <br />by Council action. <br />