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City Council meeting of May 2. 1994 <br />Page 6 <br />RESOLUTION (DISTRICT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL LITIGATION) <br />Based on Council direction given at the Council meeting of April 18, 1994, <br />a resolution was drafted by the City Attorney removing the City from <br />future participation in joint litigation with other communities regarding <br />the sale of District Memorial Hospital to HealthSpan, Inc. <br />Stoltzman made motion, Brunotte seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 94-9, A <br />RESOLUTION FORMALIZING THE CITY'S WITHDRAWAL FROM THE MUNICIPAL LITIGATION <br />COMMITTEE AND JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT REGARDING THE FOREST LAKE DISTRICT <br />MEMORIAL HOSPITAL. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />SIREN REQUEST (WITHROW SCHOOL <br />Ruth Ranum, principal at the Withrow Elementary School, has submitted a <br />letter to the City of Hugo requesting the installation of a emergency <br />warning siren in the vicinity of the Withrow School. Currently, a single <br />siren is present in the community, and does not service this school area. <br />The cost of a siren is approximately $18,000, which is not in the budget. <br />Attorney Galler suggested the City pursue the possibility of entering into <br />a joint power agreement with the Stillwater school district. <br />Miron made motion, Barnes seconded, directing staff to pursue a formal <br />contract with the principal of Withrow School for installation of an <br />emergency siren at the school. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL (WHITE BEAR MEADOWS) <br />Basedon Council request, Council members Barnes and Miron, City Attorney <br />Galler, and Administrator Museus met with representatives of the proposed <br />White Bear Meadows subdivision on Monday, April 25, 1994, to discuss City <br />issues regarding the proposed development. The Council reviewed a list of <br />28 conditions recommended as part of the approval of the preliminary <br />plat. Marvin LaValle requested that the development be surveyed to <br />determine the property lines as it relates to access to the existing <br />drainage way. <br />Brunotte made motion, Leroux seconded, to add Condition #29: The <br />developer shall survey and stake the property lines of the development, <br />and provide proof that they have the legal right to discharge water into <br />the drainage ditch. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Starnes made motion, Miron seconded, to have the City Engineer prepare a <br />report on potential road alignments, functional classifications, and th - <br />traffic impact in the area bounded by County Road 8, 130th Street, Trunk <br />Highway 61, and Clearwater Creek. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />