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1994.09.06 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1994 CC Minutes
1994.09.06 CC Minutes
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City Council
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City Council meeting of September b, 1994 <br />Page <br />Stolt man made motion, Barnes seconded, to approve the minor subdivision <br />for Ruby and Delmer Strandberg, to subdivide 21.8 acres into one 10.8 acre <br />parcel and one 11 acre parcel, with a variance to the 3,00' road frontage <br />requirement. Approval is subject to the following conditions: <br />I . Submission of an approved septic system approval from Washington <br />County for Parcel B. <br />2. Approval from the RCWD, if necessary, be provided. <br />Any type of permanent crossing of Hardwood Creek: must be approved be <br />the Rice Creek Watershed District. <br />AYE: Barnes, Leroux:, Stoltzman <br />NAY: Brunotte, Miron <br />Motion Carried. <br />SITE PLAN APPROVAL (GRANGER) <br />Granger, Inc., 14797 Forest Blvd., has requested site plan approval for <br />replacement of their auto -service building on the above lot, as well as <br />the addition of a fast-food restaurant and car wash. The site plan was <br />reviewed by the City Engineer, and his recommendation .is on file. <br />Councilman Miron felt that the plan should be reviewed by the Planning <br />Commission and forwarded to the Council with their recommendation. Mark <br />Granger stated that they are phase developing their site, and are looking <br />for approval of the auto -service building located at 14797 Forest only. <br />The matter of the restaurant would be handled by the Council at a later, <br />after review by the Planning Commission. <br />Miron made motion, Leroux; seconded, to approve the site plan for Granger's <br />Inc., for construction of an auto -service building and car wash at 14797 <br />Forest Blvd. Approval is subject to the following conditions: <br />1. Recommendations of the City Engineer, as outlined in letter dated <br />09/02/94. <br />2. Submission of permits from MNDOT and the Rice Creek Watershed <br />District, where necessary. <br />3. Submission of easement from adjacent property owner to the south for <br />improvements to the storm sewer system. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />FIRE DEPARTMENT TRAINING PLAN (WALLICK) <br />Mr. Dean Wallick, under contract with the City of Hugo through the <br />Minnesota Technical Institute System, was present to explain his plan for <br />assisting the Hugo Volunteer Fire Department in meeting its training <br />needs. Mr. Wallick will provide a quarterly report to the Council. <br />BROWN'S CREEK WMO APPOINTMENT <br />Mr. Dave Truax's appointment to the Brown's Creek WMO expired on July 31, <br />1994, and he has expressed interest in continuing to serve the community <br />on the Board of the WMO for another three year term, which -•would run <br />August 1, 1994 to July 31, 1997. <br />
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