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_.---...._---_....._._..---...____.._..__..__......._.__.._....__._._..._..._---.....t--l-l.._.-l-f.-1 L-.t'E E- f _,_ E F' I kI.fIF{F:F-_ ' _l :1 `•d`+� <br />The meeting was called to order by Mayor ;:Stoltzman at 7:30 PM. <br />PRESENT: Barnes, Brunot.te, Leroux, M.iron, Staltzman <br />City Administrator, Robert. A. Museus <br />This special meeting was called to consider locations for the relocation <br />of the Past Office in Hugo. The City Administrator provided the Council <br />with a report and recommendation on seven potential locations for the Post <br />Office .in Hugo. The Council discussed the potential sites in some detail, <br />including discussions with members of the public present at the meeting. <br />Leroux made motion, M.iron seconded, directing staff to prepare detailed <br />reports on the parcels owned by the following: <br />1.. Gerry `=i•voboda , north of F=lay Avenue and west side of TH 61. . <br />i. Jerome and Hope Nadeau, at the south east quadrant, of TH 61. and County <br />Road 8A. <br />3. Pardee and Randkl.ev, north of the dental clinic, on the east side of <br />TH 61. . <br />The City Administrator is to c._ont.:act these property owners and encourage <br />them to submit a proposal to the Postal. Service for construction of a new <br />Post Office on these sites. In the event the land owners do not indicate <br />an interest in submitting a proposal directly, the Administrator is <br />authorized to enter into negotiations to purchase these properties on a <br />cont:ingent basis in order to allow the City to present proposals to the <br />Postal Service. The Administrator is authorized to offer $50,000 for the <br />Svoboda ,rope•rty, and $60,000 for the Nadeau property. <br />All. aye. Motion Carried. <br />The City C:;c:,unc:i..l expressed their- desire to have the Administrator contact <br />the owners of the other properties considered, and encourage them to <br />submit proposals to the Postal Service. <br />Due to the deadline of October 7, 1994 for submittal of proposals to the <br />Postal Service, and in order- to give the f.;c:,t._ncil an opportunity to <br />consider the staff reports prepared on this matter, and to review <br />negotiations for potential property purchase: <br />Miron made motion, Brunot.te seconded, to recess this meeting until 7:30 PM <br />on Thursday, September 291 1994. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Robert. A. Museus <br />City Administrator <br />