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Cite Council meeting of April 4, 1.993 <br />Page b <br />JAMES__WEBER _SVARIAgjj).. <br />James and Diane Weber, 16140 Harrow Avenue, have applied for a variance to <br />construct a 36' „ 50' pole building closer to the road that, the principal <br />building. Mr. Weber was present stating that he would be removing two <br />other outbuildings located on the property. <br />Miron made motion, Leroux; seconded, to approve the variance request of <br />James Weber, 16140 Harrow Avenue, to construct a =6' x 50' pole building <br />closer to Harrow Avenue than the principal building. Approval is subject <br />to the building being used for residential purposes only, and removal of <br />the 8' x 40' barn and 25' x 16' shed by May ll 1994. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />MISCELLANEOUS <br />The Council reviewed City Attorney valler`s report on the Open Meeting Law <br />Issue. <br />Leroux; made motion, r•iron seconded, directing the City Attorney to proceed <br />with the final draft of his Findings regarding repayment of 'legal fees to <br />the City Council incurred during Sell Publishing vs.. Hugo City Council. <br />Such Findings are to provide for f►_►11 reimbursement to the Council or <br />legal fees incurred during this litigation, and if reimbursement to all <br />Council members is not possible, Council member Barnes should be <br />considered separately since she was not found in violation in this matter. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />The City received a letter from former City Attorney, Sarah Mardell, <br />thanking the Council members for their support through the years. <br />The City received a letter from Patrick: Miller requesting that the City of <br />Hugo appoint him to represent Hugo on the Ramsey Action Programs, Target <br />Area Advisory Council for Washington County. The City (administrator was <br />directed to find out how this Hoard impacted on the City. <br />The Council was reminded of the Hoard of Review on April 12, 1990. <br />The Council was reminded of a meeting on April 6, 1991, at. the Forest. Lake <br />Town Hall to discuss further the Lease Agreement between the District <br />Memorial Hospital and Healthspan. <br />The Administrator will have fence quotes for City hal.lf.i.eld improvement=_ <br />ready for the Council meeting of April 19, 1993. <br />Leroux: made motion, Barnes seconded, to recess the Council meeting until <br />7:00 PM, April 6, 1993, at the Forest Lake Town Hall. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />21, <br />Mary n Creager, C�!Clerk <br />