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M I NUTES <br />The meeting was called to order by acting Mayor, Fran Miron, at 7:45 PM. <br />PRESENT: Barnes, Frunotte, Leroux, Miron <br />City Administrator, Bob Museus <br />ABSENT: Stolt man <br />The purposed of the meeting was to conduct a workshop on an integrated <br />road maintenance/improvement program for the City. The City Administrator <br />reviewed with the Council a draft of a street -improvement policy, and <br />discussion was held on a maintenance policy, and revisions to the City's <br />street ordinance. <br />Two options for obtaining road -condition ratings were presented by the <br />City Administrator: <br />1. Bring in a consultant. <br />2. I)o the work in-house based on MNDOT' s PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT SURFACE <br />RATING MANUAL. <br />The Council took this matter under advisement. <br />Museus presented a recommendation that the City develop a GIS --based <br />information management system as a meant, of better storing, processing, <br />and reporting information. The Council agreed that:. the City Administrator <br />should provide a feasibility study on cost estimates for further <br />consideration. <br />Barnes made motion, Leroux seconded, to adjourn at 10:25 PM. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Robert A. Museus <br />City Administrator <br />