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City Council meeting of May 3l 1993 <br />Page 6 <br />regarding the ditch system related to this subdivision, and based on <br />reports from the City's attorney and engineer, the following lowing motion was <br />made: <br />Barnes made motion, Miron seconded, that the City Council remove Condition <br />#2= from the preliminary plat conditions, which states, "An agreement or <br />easement shall be secured for ditch maintenance to accommodate surface <br />water drainage to the east (Parcels 93029-2650 and 95029-2900).'' <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />SIGN RESOLUTION <br />Staff is recommending that. the Council grant aut!••imri.za1_ion to the City's. <br />Building Official to issue sign permits when the proposed sign <br />construction meets all requirements of City ordinance. This request is <br />based on a desire to gain efficiency in the issuance of sign; permits, <br />which are now required to be processed by the Hugo Planning Commission <br />with a recommendation to the City Council. Staff believes that if aa. sign <br />application meets all requi.rement.s of ordinance, *:hat as a. matter of <br />course, it should be provided a permit.. This would alleviate the delays <br />and inconvenience 1.n processing the application through the Planning <br />Commission and Council. This revolution is temporary in nature until such <br />time as the City's sign ordinance can be amended. <br />Stolt man made motion, Miron seconded, to adopt. RESOLUTION 93-6, <br />RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION REGARDING THE ISSUANCE OF <br />SIGN PERMITS. <br />Motion and second was withdrawn after Attorney Gal±er stated that. the City <br />could not change an ordinance by resolution, only by ordinance. <br />Miran made motion, `7 of _'zman seconded, that the Cit:S follow the stf-=pc» <br />mandated by Chapter 266 entitled "Signs." for t:.hc: processing of <br />applications. <br />All. aye. Motion Carried. <br />Miron made motion, Barnes _eccraFr, to schedule a oublin hearing for June <br />7, 1993,at 7:15 PM, to consider , ;the <br />Code entitled "Signs". <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Ai..l'f rIC �R 1 %A l I UI`J F= �Jt ti+ l i}C UJF i (F_F;P1F;1:1`a r...?: 1EnyS is i:::!t�:I' <br />The City received plans and specifications .for construction of the:City's <br />1993 watermain expansion project. staff request.s. authorization to <br />advertise for bids. <br />Barnes made motion, Miran seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 199.3-6, RESOLUTION <br />APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR <br />THE IMPROVEMENT OF 130TH STREET AND FARNHAM AVENUE AND INSTALLATION OF A <br />