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MINUTES FOR THE SPECIAL BUDGET MEETING HELD ON AUGUST 9. 1993 <br />The meeting was called to order by acting Mayor Miron at 7:30 PM. <br />PRESENT: Brunotte, Leroux, Miron <br />City Administrator, Bob Museus. <br />City Finance Director, Ron Otkin <br />ABSENT: Barnes and Stoltzman <br />The meeting was held to discuss the City's 1994 budget. Ron Otkin <br />reviewed with the Council the proposed general fund and debt -service fund <br />budgets for 1994. Major initiatives planned for the City for the <br />forthcoming year included: <br />1. Initiation of a seal coating program for the City. <br />2. Continuation of gravel replacement on City roads. <br />3. Implementation of a watershed management plan. <br />4. Recodification of City ordinances applying to zoning, subdivision, <br />shoreland management, and non -point pollution. <br />5. Improvement of County Road 8A, between State Aid Highway bl and <br />Goodview Avenue, a joint project with the County. The City's share <br />for this project will be paid with the remaining proceeds from the <br />City's 1991 improvement bond. <br />b. Replacement of a bridge on Elmcrest Avenue. <br />The Finance Director explained that he is using an averaging method to <br />determine debt -service requirements for the City's outstanding bonds. The <br />Council also discussed the funding of long-term, capital -improvements <br />needs. <br />Mr. Otkin identified a concern in the City's debt -service management in <br />the large number of assessments outstanding on properties enrolled in the <br />State's green acres program. The Council directed Mr. Otkin to send a <br />letter to each property owner, who has property enrolled in green acres, <br />identifying the current assessments outstanding against the property. <br />Discussion was also conducted regarding the City's continued contributions <br />to the White Bear Counseling Bureau and the Forest Lake Youth Bureau. <br />There is some indication that these, perhaps, should be county -funded <br />programs. The Council directed the City Administrator to contact Dennis <br />Hegberg and clarify the County's position on these services. <br />The Council indicated that a tax -levy increase of approximately 8.75% <br />would be necessary to serve the City's needs for 1994. Staff was to amend <br />the budget as directed, and present it to the Council at a forthcoming <br />meeting. <br />Leroux made motion, Brunotte, seconded, to adjourn at 10:•30 PM. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Robert A. Museus <br />City Administrator <br />