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-2 - <br />Spitzer: Has anyone reviewed Peltier's sewer system? <br />Schwab: Our office has analyzed the system and it appears to be <br />adequate. <br />Srtizer: Do you have permits for the two driveways? <br />Peltier: Yes <br />Spitzer: Did you take out a building permit for the remodeling? <br />Peltier: No, I didn't think it was necessary. <br />Spitzer: You should contact the building inspector immediately. <br />The need for one is based on value, not cost. <br />Peltier: I'll do that right away. <br />T. Peltier: Why did you move out of Forest Lake, <br />E. Peltier: Facilities too small-business was growing and most of <br />the business coming from the Hugo area. After remodeling <br />the rent was raised almost $200 per month. There was no <br />seating capacity there at all. <br />H. Johnson: Regarding sewer - was this system installed when the build- <br />ing was built? <br />E. Peltier: No, it was constructed about eight years ago. <br />Spitzer: Were you in the food business all of those eight years. <br />E. Peltier: No, for seven of those years we were not in the food <br />business. <br />H. Johnson: If Rockville U.S.A. applies for a license, will they <br />be able to get it? <br />C. Johnson: Yes, they would have to re -apply. <br />Peloquin: Is a special use permit permanent? <br />Spitzer: Yes, but it can be set up to be renewed annually; it can <br />be revoked for cause. <br />C.Johnson: It could be issued based on the existence of a valid lic- <br />ense; if license not valid: it can be recalled or terminated. <br />There were no further comments and the hepring closed at 8:04PM. <br />Shepherd of Fields public Hearing <br />Called to order at 8:07PM by Chairman Spitzer. Attending were: <br />Spitzer, Johnson, Peltier, and Rosenquist. Ehret arrived at 8:32PM. <br />Irene Leroux represented the City Council. Also attending were Char- <br />les Johnson, City Attorney, Howard Kuusisto, City Engineer and <br />Bill Schwab, Washington County Planning Department. <br />It was announced by Spitzer that since the notice of public hear- <br />ing had not appeared in the Forest Lake Times, no public hearing could <br />be held tonight, but all comments made tonight will be made part of <br />the record of the official hearing when it is held. <br />Lester Winter, appearing on the behalf of the church, described <br />theft request to build a place of worship east of the public school, <br />bordered by 148th Street on the South, Vern Peloquin's bean field to <br />the east and the trailer park on the north. The land in question is <br />presently owned by Vern Peloquin and consists of approximately 6.8 <br />acres. He explained they have just selected -,n architect and at this <br />time do not have a sketch showing the proposed structure or structures. <br />They propose to build a parking lot sufficiently large to accomodate <br />100 - 125 cars; to the east of the property. They will plant a row of <br />trees, jointly with Vern Peloquin, for screening purposes. He explained <br />the sanitary sewer runs along the south border of the property. Water, <br />electric and gas will have to be extended. They have discussed the <br />