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MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS <br />OF THE HUGO PLANNING COMMISSION <br />APRIL 28, 1976 <br />The meeting was called to order by Chairman Spitzer at 8:15 P.M. <br />Members present were Spitzer, Rosenouist and Peltier. Ehret arrived <br />8:25 P.M. Also attending was Irene Leroux, representing the City Council. <br />Motion made by Peltier, seconded by Rosenquist, to approve the min- <br />utes of the April 14, 1976 meetinv as sent out. Motion carried. <br />Len Noack Junkyard License Renewal <br />Application received by Len Noack, who did not appear, for renewal <br />of his junkyard license, which is due to expire on May 11 1976. The <br />$50.00 renewhl fee has not yet been paid. <br />Motion made by Rosenquist, seconded by Peltier, to recommend to the <br />City Council, that the application filed by Leonard Noack, 16565 Forest <br />Boulevard North, for renewal of a junkyard license be granted, provided <br />the renewal fee of $50.00 is paid. <br />Voting for: Spitzer, Rosenquist, Ehret and Peltier. Motion carried. <br />Marvin Babcock - Land Division <br />Marvin Babcock appeared with a request for land division for Tracts <br />3 and 7, 10150 and 10117 Kerry Court North. Tract q contains 6.0 acres, <br />and Tract 7 contains 5 acres - present zoning - lakeshore conservancy. <br />Both tracts meet the five acre minimum requirement and have at least <br />300 foot frontage on an existin¢ road. Babcock presented a certificate <br />.of survey dated July 15, 1971. He explained that both tracts, at the <br />present time are registered under one deed. There are separate deeds <br />for the other eight parcels in the total tract of 52 acres. Tracts 3 <br />and 7 are non-contiguous parcels. <br />Motion made by Peltier, seconded by Ehret, to recommend to the <br />City Council, land division of Tracts 3 and 7, 10150 and 10117 Kerry <br />Court North, per applicet ion filed by Marvin and Mary Jane Babcock, 10083 <br />Kerry Court North. Voting for: Spitzer, Rosenquist, Ehret and Peltier. <br />Motion carried. <br />Vernon DeZiel - land Division <br />Application received from Vernon De7.iel, 585 Heinel Drive, St.Paul, <br />for land division of Tracts C, D, and G on the west side of Oneka Lake. <br />Present zoning - lakeshore conservancy. All three tracts meet the min- <br />imum lot requirement and have at least '200 feet on an existing road. Mr. <br />De7_iel was unable to appear. Certificate of Survey presented dated <br />August 2, 1974. <br />Motion made by Rosenquist, seconded by reltier, to table this m^tter <br />Wof land division applied for by Mr. Vernon DeZiel for Tracts C, D, and G <br />n the west side of Oneka Lake until the next meeting. Secretary to <br />notify Mr. DeZiel there are some problems and he should appear at the <br />next meeting. All voted aye. Motion carried. <br />