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Planning Commission Meeting <br />Tune 9, 1976 <br />Page 3 of 10 <br />Planning Commission go take a look. It is not properly done. For the <br />record, I would like to point out that the item of the fence declares <br />that the fence should be constructed in an orderly manner on the property <br />line. Please take a look at that fence. Near the north boundary line, <br />itis almost ridiculous to call this a proper fence. Take a good look at it. <br />James Smith: First of all, you may have a document from the City <br />13560 Homestead— Attorney; he has indicated to me that you cannot essen— <br />tially hear on only part of the permit. I think this should be clarified. <br />Regarding No. 22, I think this should be cleared up. <br />Spitzer read excerpts of letter from City Attorney, dated May 18, 1976, as <br />follows: "In view of the foregoing considerations of the actions of the <br />Hugo City Council, it would appear that the 'dlite Bear Rod & Gun Club has <br />consistently been directed to re—apply for a special use permit with the <br />concern being directed at item No. 2 of the originally issued special use <br />permit." Quoting another excerpt from the same letter, "In the City 6ouncil <br />meeting; of May 3, 1976, there was a motion to delete the last six words <br />of the just ouoted motion, as reflected in the Minutes, and the motion <br />was adopted with Lease, Schletty and Smith voting in favor and Leroux <br />against". <br />Spitzer: After removing the last six words of the motion, it reads,"Lease <br />made motion, Smith seconded to accept the opinion of the City Attorney and <br />notify the White Bear Rod and Gun Club to apply for a new Special Use Per— <br />mit to re—nog btiate item #2 only." <br />Smith: I don't think this is the issue. It is null and void in it's <br />entirety. He is saying the whole permit is null and void and has indicated <br />to the Planning Commission that you should consider'dnly Item #2. <br />Steve Toensing: Ivir. Schletty said the trees weren't planted far enough and <br />14020 Hyde not enough of them. The variance is requested now instead <br />of before they were planted and I don't feel they should be granted this <br />permit. <br />Harold Bramstedtt Do I understand that the City Council and everyone <br />6343 145th St.N. is satisfied with compliance with the rest of the <br />items of the permit? <br />Spitzer: It is my understanding. <br />Bramstedt: What about the 74 decibils? Six or seven times I have re— <br />ported violations of this nature to the Hugo Police Department. They <br />are allowed forty decibils. I have records of this — tape after tape, <br />showing violation. I don't think anyone has checked on this. Has anyone <br />checked? <br />Spitzer: This was checked before the issuance of the original Special <br />Use Permit. <br />Schletty: I would like to clarify this matter. They originally said they <br />wouldn't cut any trees. !.,.Then the tests were made, the terrain was the <br />same as it was in the beginning. After that, they cut trees higher than <br />8f high off — some of the trees were 40 or 50' tall. The tests taken <br />originally don't qualify any lonjzer by no means. This is the reason we <br />