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NIN ES C -F THE 77'80C EJI1`�GS <br />CF TT HU" -0 "DL? *q -NINE- COMMISSICIJ <br />'GUST ?5, 1976 <br />The meeting was celled to order by Chi irmsn D?n Sr i_tzer at 8:04, .­. M. <br />Present were Spitzer, reltier, Peloquin and Rosenquist. Ehret arrived <br />8:20 P.M. Rosenouist was absent. was also p.r.ese.rnt. <br />Motion mode by Peltier, seconded by neloiuin, to arrrove the minutes <br />of the August 11, 1976 meetin€after changing Section 33 to Section 28, <br />referring to the __xelson property on page 4, and =lso changing the word <br />Jurisdictional to Judicial on rage 5. All aye. Motion c. rried. <br />La^asse - Rezoning <br />Upon the request of the Planning Commission, Tom Lacesse aopeared <br />with results of perc tests taken on two of the buildin¢:sites he proroses; <br />he explained that the perc test for the remaining building site had been <br />taken previously when he built his house on that locrtion. It was the <br />opinion of the=-lanning Commission that these tests were satisfactory. <br />Mlotion made by Peloquin, seconded by ireger, to recommend to the <br />City Council that the request of Tom LaCasse, for rezoning of a thirty- <br />seven acre parcel at 13315 -Elmcrest Avenue from Conservancy to _jgricult- <br />s.vral be approved; copy of the perc tests to be attached to the reco:;:mend- <br />ation for the Council's information. <br />Voting for: Spitzer, Peltier, ^eloquin, and Greger. Motion carried. <br />William ravek - Fence Review <br />Firs. Peltier reported she has reviewed the Favek fence at 12582 In- <br />gersoll Avenue, and has discussed the muter with Councilmen La Valle and <br />Lease who have assured her the fence has beer, tPken down in the winter. <br />Upon inspection of the fence however, she noticed that Condition ,#2 has <br />not been complied with - that is, that the southwesterly 24, of the fence <br />be either re-oved or rebuilt in order to join to the northeasterly corner <br />of the garage. <br />Motion made by Peltier, seconded by Peloquin, to recommend to the <br />City Council that the Pavek fence Special Use Permit be extended until <br />May 15th, 1977 at which time the Planning Commission shall review the <br />conditions and -if any'ddviatiops are found, -the Special`Use Permit shall <br />become null end void. Pla,nnina, Commission secretary instructed to notify <br />Mr. Favek that he is in viol^t ion of Condition 412, and that further re- <br />newals will be conditioned upon further reviewals by the Planning Comm- <br />ission. <br />Voting for: Spitzer, Ehret, ^eloquin, reltier and Greger. T,Iotion <br />ca rried. <br />Ed Waugh - Minor Subdivision <br />Dir. 4vaugh. inquired concerning the division of ten acres of land that <br />he owns that houses the Traeger Motel and Restaurant. He stated he wishes <br />to sell the buildings and three acres of land leaving a seven acre site <br />with no buildings. It was the opinion of the Planning Commission that <br />such a division would create a land -locked parcel and recommended to Mr. <br />