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City Council meeting of January 6, 1992 <br />Page <br />ASSESSMENT" APPE:AL. <br />City Attorney, Charles Johnson, addressed the Council with regard to the <br />assessment appeal of Mr. Dan Santanni (CIF', Phase ), which was referred <br />to his office by the City Council. The assessments on the Dan Santanni <br />property were set. at $5.00 per front foot, which was consistent with the <br />assessment to other benefiting property owners. Apparently, Mr. Santanni <br />has suggested he would be willing to settle this matter, without going to <br />court, if a reduced assessment would be approved by the City Council. <br />Miron made motion, Stolt man seconded, directing City Attorney, Charles <br />Johnson, to defend the City's position with regard to the assessment <br />appeal. of Mr. Dan Santanni for CIF', Phase 2. and authorization to obtain <br />an appraisal needed to defend said assessment. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />NSF' L... l: NE: AND _E.11 REPI._At:EMENT <br />NSF' has notified the City of its intent to replace some poles and the <br />power lines on Harrow Avenue, from 165th Street south to 157th Street, <br />thence along 157th Street east to Homestead Avenue, thence south to 147th <br />Street, then east. to Hyde Avenue. 40' poles will be installed to replace <br />deteriorating poles, and a higher -voltage line will be installed to <br />accommodate the low -voltage problems in this area. A February 1, 1992 <br />construction date is scheduled. <br />CONTRACTOR R L...ICENSING <br />As per Minnesota Statutes, all building contractors are required to be <br />licensed by the State, effective January 1, 1992. It is our understanding <br />that less than 1r' of the contractors operating in the State of Minnesota <br />have secured licenses, as of the end of December, 1991. The Code <br />Enforcement Officer is looking for direction from the r_ouncil with regard <br />to how to handle requests for building permits by contractors who are not <br />licensed by the State. Mr. Benson is recommending that .ir cases where a. <br />contractor's license has not been secured, the first request for a <br />building permit be approved, with a notice that no further- building <br />permits will be issued to the contractor until the appropriate licenses <br />are secured. The Council did want to make provision for contractors who <br />appiisd for a license, but because of a possible Celay at the _Mate .lev2l, <br />would not be penatized in Hugo again. The Council directed the Cily <br />Administrator to prepare a written policy i regarding this rr. att2r. <br />QYY ADMIN.T.STRATOR <br />City .'administrator Heber- stated that the City would be receiving reports <br />this Friday, January 10th, from engineering archit.act'_ur..l firms relative <br />to the City's Request for Proposals for the feasibility of renovating W= <br />Rice Lake Park building into City Hall <br />