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City Council meeting of January 21, 1992 <br />Page 4 <br />REVIEW FEASIBILITY PROPOSALS (RICE LAKE PARK ESUILDING) <br />As per Council direction, the City has received 16 proposals to prepare a <br />feasibility report for the possible use of the Rice Lake Park building for <br />a City Hall. These proposals are currentiy being reviewed by the City <br />Council and staff. It is the City's intent to reduce the number of <br />potential candidates down to five or six for formal presentations by the <br />various architects/engineers. Again, this is only a study to determine <br />the feasibility of moving City Hall facilities to the building in <br />question. <br />Barnes made motion, Brunotte seconded, to schedule a Council work session <br />for February 5, 199" at 6:30 PM, for the purpose of interviewing the <br />following firms with regard to the preparation of a feasibility report for <br />the possible use of the Rice Lake Park building for a City Hall: (1) <br />Midwest Construction Management, (2) Morrison/Walivarvi Architects, (3) <br />Finn -Daniels Broussard, (4) The Design Partnership, (5) Bonestree, Rosene, <br />Anderlik, and (6) Trossen Wright. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />At this time, a lengthy discussion ensued regarding this project and the <br />Council obtaining public input. <br />Miron made motion, Brunotte seconded, that after Council interviews of th <br />six finalists, and prior to the appointing of a firm to do a feasibility <br />study and the expenditure of any funds, the City Council hold a public <br />hearing. <br />Miron and Brunotte withdrew their motion. <br />Barnes made motion, Miron seconded, to hold a public hearing after <br />completion of the feasibility• -study process for possible conversion of the <br />Rice Lake Park building for a City Hall. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />RESOLUTION CALLING FOR STREET VACATION HEARING <br />The City Attorney has recommended that we bring the Council up -•to -date on <br />the status of •the City's litigation with Joe Stanek, and the efforts beiing <br />taken to resolve this matter out-of-court. The road right-of-way, between, <br />180th Street and 170th Street, affecting Mr. Stanek's property and tha <br />property of otters was identifies'. <br />Miron made motican, Stolt man seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 1992-2, A <br />RESOLUTION FOR NOTIFICATION OF AFFECTED LANDOWNERS AND SETTING PUBLIC <br />HEARING FOR VACATION OF A ROAD RIGHT-Oi=-WAY WITHIN THE CITY OF HIIGO. <br />VOTING AYE: Barnes, Brunotte, Jesinski, Miron, Stolt man <br />Motion Carried. <br />