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City Council meeting of April 6, 1992 <br />Page 7 <br />Franchise Ordinance. It was suggested that this change not be made until <br />after a public hearing is held, as it does affect future availability of <br />local programming at a convenient location. .This matter was referred to <br />the City Attorney for his review and comments. <br />FENCE COMPLAINT <br />The City Council received a copy of a letter from Mr. James F. Lammers, <br />written on behalf of Mr. and Mrs. Joel Hursh. The complaint is being <br />brought against Mr. Tom Jesinski of 7039 165th Street in the City of <br />Hugo. The complaint has been forwarded to the city prosecutor for his <br />review and recommendation. It is understood that Mr. Hursh has been <br />directed by the courts to confine his farm animals to his property, within <br />a specified period of time. The complaint may be an effort by the <br />complainant to retaliate against his neighbors because of previous <br />complaints filed against Mr. Hursh. Mayor Stolt man stated that he will <br />be in contact with Richard Hocking regarding this matter. <br />Miron made motion, Stolt man seconded, to refer this matter to the <br />Ordinance Violations Committee. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />MAURICE MCCOLLAR LETTER <br />The City Council received a copy of a letter from Maurice McCollar <br />regarding a petition to improve Elmcrest Avenue. The petition that was <br />submitted several years ago included individuals on a very large portion <br />of Elmcrest Avenue, and involved individuals living in both Lino Lakes and <br />the City of Hugo. The roadway in question is located in two difference <br />counties, as well as two different cities. The Council reviewed a copy of <br />the April 17, 1989 City Council minutes, when the City Council addressed <br />the petition. It is understood that the current request involves the <br />improvement of Elmcrest Avenue by bituminous surfacing from County Road 14 <br />south to 129th Street. The original estimate for improvement of this <br />roadway was $320,000. After completion of the feasibility report, that <br />estimate has increased to in excess of $500,000. There are a limited <br />number of property owners on' Elmcrest Avenue within the corporate limits. <br />The assessments for this improvement would be rather substantial when <br />compared with roadway improvements completed in recent years. Mayor <br />Stolt man stated that he will review this matter with City Engineer, <br />Howard Kuusisto. <br />MISCELLANEOUS <br />The City received a letter from Evergreen Land Service relative to the <br />acquisition of land for the newly -proposed water tower. City Attorney, <br />Charles Johnson, stated that he will contact the firm notifying them of <br />the legal problems with the piece of land that the City is interested in <br />obtaining, and attempt to obtain a "firm" price quote from them to acquire <br />this property. This matter to be placed on the Council agenda for April <br />20, 1992. <br />