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City Council meeting of September 9, 19'22 <br />Page _ <br />�UF' RE V T El►J S BALI) EAUL.E : tiF•'Of-;'1"'Sr1AtJ ASSti) <br />In accordance with the terms of the SUP granted to the BESA for the <br />operation of their shooting facility in the City of Hugo, biannual review <br />of their permit is required this Fall. For Council consideration is a <br />summary of those complaints received on the Association during the last <br />two years: rapid-fire shooting on August 15, 1992, and shooting before <br />hours on July 31, 1992. Due to the Association's long-standing presence <br />in the City of Hugo, and the limited number of complaints received, staff <br />recommends the Council conduct an administrative review of the SUP. <br />Councilwoman Barnes requested that the City acknowledge receipt of the <br />letter of complaint. <br />Miron made motion, Brunotte seconded, that no public hearing be held for <br />review of the Bald Eagle Sportsman Association's SUP, and the Council and <br />staff will conduct an administrative review. <br />All. aye. Motion Carried. <br />LAPLANT VARIANCE <br />Paula and Ken L_aP l an t have requested a variance to the C.i ty " s front <br />yard setback requirements in carder to construct an addition to their home <br />at 5571 141st Street. Due to the lack of a quorum at. the Board of <br />adjustments and Appeals meeting of August. 26th, this matter was forwarded <br />to the City Council without. recommendation. <br />__eroux made motion, Barnes s seconded, to approve the request. of Paula and <br />Ken LaPlant for a 5' variance to the'City's front yard setback <br />requirements in order to construct an addition to their home at 5:571 141st <br />Street.. The following is the basis used for variance approval: <br />I.. Construction of the addition, as proposed, will the allow the existing <br />basement windows to remain. <br />2. It. will avoid the need to relocate a 500 -gallon oil. tank. <br />3. The appearance of the property would be improved by a closer alignment <br />of the front of the house with an existing garage. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />MUELLNEF; REZONING <br />Leo Muel lner has requested that the City rezone a portion of his pr-opert-,..' <br />located at. 17901 Inwood Avenue from conservancy to agriculture. The <br />subject lot currently '...'s split by Inwood (-'i'`:+'fr't'1ue, with .:a1:ij::i;:..(:?:>`'►:.ta' ! y 1.'.. <br />acre= on the east side of inwood zoned agriculture, and i6 acres on We <br />west side of Inwood zoned conservancy. Hr., h`uellner claims -a hardship in <br />financ:ir.g_ this property due to its large size, and wishes ►::.:e rezoning :i.r-: <br />into <br />s:6_��. acres one 10 -acre parcel on the east <br />order thief. he may split the;,r.. �- <br />side of Inwood and one16-acre parcel on the t•;ect, c-id(ii;• of Inwood. <br />zoning, <br />Under <br />he property's current thisaplit would create an <br />;._inns--•rsa.zea <br />aarcel in the conservancydistrict r, _ , west _..1.ciF• of i ; i w r.. r..• d Avenue. F•: •!•. <br />their meeting of August ':, 1d :, the <br />Planning _.:orncn:.<.->s:.z.;::;--; •-k-_c:cyrr.mFndE•d <br />approval of the zoning change. <br />