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City Council meeting of September 8, 1992 <br />Page 5 <br />Brunotte made motion, Barnes seconded, to approve Certificate of Survey <br />#9-8-92(3) for Ellen St. Sauver, and waiver of the formal platting <br />procedures, for subdivision of 79 acres into two 10 acre parcels and one <br />59 -acre parcel. Approval is subject payment of the parkland dedication <br />fees. <br />All ave. Motion Carried. <br />CONTRACT APPROVAL (AERIAL TOPOGRAPHY SERVICES) <br />The Council received a copy of a contract for aerial surveying services to <br />be provided by MARKHURD, as part of the development of the City's water <br />management plan. Included for review was a memorandum outlining the <br />current estimate of cost for the plan's completion. <br />Leroux made motion, Barnes seconded, that the City of Hugo enter into a <br />contract with MARKHURD for aerial surveying services as part of the Cit-,,/"-- <br />water <br />it;/"swater management plan. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />RESOLUTION APPROVING GRANT APPLICATION FOR DEVELOPMENT OF SHORELA_ND_ <br />MANAGEMENT" REGULATIONS ww `� <br />The Council received a draft resolution approving a grant application for <br />funds to assist the City in revising its shoreland management regulations, <br />as required by recent changes in State law. In order to assist the City <br />in meeting the State's requirements, the DNR is providing a 50% match for <br />City costs in developing new shoreland management regulations, up to a <br />maximum of $5,000. In order to receive the DNR funding, the City must <br />return the resolution by October 1, 1992. Completion of the new shoreland <br />management regulations must be completed by September 1, 1994. I would <br />recommend the consideration of new shoreland management rules, in <br />conjunction with the pending revision of the City's Zoning Ordi.nai-ice. <br />Miron made motion, Brunotte seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 1992-25, <br />RESOLUTION AP'P'ROVING GRANT AP'P'LICATION FOR DEVELOPMENT OF SHORELAND <br />MANAGEMENT REGULATIONS. <br />VOTING AYE: Barnes, BrUnotte, LeroUX, Miron <br />Motion Carried. <br />STATUS RE��ORT LIN C I P�, PHASE 2 _( M::UUS I STO_1 <br />Based on Council request, Howard M:LAU5i5to, the City's conSUlting engineer, <br />provided a letter indicating the status of the City's CIP, Phase 2. The <br />street improvement contract has not been completed at this time. <br />MISCELLANEOUS <br />Miron made motion, LerOUX secondled, that the first City Council ir+ <br />December, 1992, will be held on Wednesday, December 9th, in conjUnctic_in <br />with the required Truth in Taxation public hearing. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />