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City Council meeting of September 21, 1992 <br />Page 2 <br />SANTANNI SUP (cont) <br />2. The building shall be used for agricultural purposes only. <br />3. The building shall not be used for commercial or recreational <br />purposes, other than those authorized in this permit. <br />4. If the owner initiates any action to subdivide the 80 acre site <br />described, and the resulting subdivision would resu)t in the size of <br />1 --he parcel containing the building be reduced to under 40 acres, a <br />$3,000 letter of credit shall be posted with the City, by the building <br />owner, assuring that a residential structure will be constructed on <br />the site where the building is to be constructed. Said construction <br />will take place within three (=I years of the submitted letter of <br />credit. <br />5. No excessive exterior storage of equipment or materials shall be <br />permitted on the site. <br />6. Representatives of the City will be allowed access to the site on a <br />quarterly basis, after two (2) weeks written notice mailed to the <br />owner, for the purpose of insuring compliance with this permit. <br />7. Violation of this permit may result in its review, alteration, or <br />revocation. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />MISCELLANEOUS <br />The Council discussed the Rice Lake Park building, which was used as the <br />Ward 3 polling site. Reaction to the building was very positive, with <br />questions arising as to its future use. <br />COUNCIL MEMBER LEROUX <br />Councilman Leroux stated that the Mayor and Council's salaries were.too <br />low, and steps should be taken to bring them more in line with current <br />standards. <br />Miron made motion, Barnes seconded, to schedule a public hearing for <br />October 5, 1992, at 7:05 PM, for the purpose of amending Chapter 20 be <br />increasing the salaries for the Mayor and City Council. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />'Lounci.lman Leroux asked that the '.it,., pay legal costs for the COUnc.:il In <br />their litigation with the Forest Lai. -.e Times. This matter will be <br />discussed at the COUncil meetion of 10/05192. <br />Councilman LerouX suggested that 'he City evaluate, on an annual basis, <br />professional services provided to the Ci -_y. Administrator Museus stated <br />that these steps are already underway. <br />Councilman Brunotte inquired about the status of the Settlement Agreement <br />between the City and David Schumann. Mayor Stoltzman stated that the <br />Agreement is not ready to be signed. <br />