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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for June 6, 2016 <br />Page 3 of 6 <br />Approve Annual Performance Review for Utility Billing Clerk Jodie Guareschi <br />Since June 17, 2002, Jodie has worked as the City's Utility Billing Clerk in the Finance <br />Department. Jodie also works as a member of the Hugo Fire Department as a firefighter/EMS <br />responder. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the annual performance review for Utility <br />Billing Clerk Jodie Guareschi. <br />Approve Annual Performance Review for Public Works Worker Tom Smith <br />Tom Smith was hired by the City of Hugo on June 26, 2000. Tom has worked the past 16 years <br />on the Public Works Department team. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the annual <br />performance review for Public Works Worker Tom Smith. <br />Approve Application for Off -Site Gambling by Hugo American Legion for Good Neighbor <br />Days Bingo <br />The Hugo American Legion Post 620 had applied for a permit to conduct off-site gambling <br />during the Hugo Good Neighbor Days event. The Lions will be conducting bingo in Lions Park <br />on June 11 and 12. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the application for the Hugo <br />American Legion to conduct off-site gambling during Good Neighbor Days. <br />Approve Pyrotechnics Permit for Good Neighbor Days Firework Display on Saturday, <br />June 11, 2016 <br />Northern Lighter Pyrotechnics had applied for an outdoor public fireworks display permit to <br />provide fireworks on Saturday, June 11, 2016 during the Good Neighbor Days festival in <br />celebration of their 40' year. The Lions had an agreement with St. John's Church to use the <br />cemetery property to discharge the fireworks. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the <br />permit for Northern Lighter Pyrotechnics for an outdoor public fireworks display on June 11, <br />2016. <br />Approve Special Event Permit for Tough Mudder Event on July 16-17, 2016 <br />Tough Mudder had submitted an application for a Special Event Permit to hold a two day event <br />at Wild Wings Game Farm on July 16th and 17th. Tough Mudder is a for profit company located <br />in Brooklyn, New York, who holds approximately 50 events throughout the United States, <br />Canada, United Kingdom, and Australia. This required a Special Event Permit approved by <br />Council because there will be approximately 12,000 attendees over the weekend, impacts to <br />public streets, use of an amplified sound system, and alcohol served. Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda approved the event subject to the conditions listed as part of the permit. <br />Victor Garden North Village 711 Addition Final Plat. <br />Kettler Construction, Inc. applied for approval of a final plat in order to plat 33 townhome lots <br />on the 8.51 acre parcel located north of Rosemary Way and east of Elmcrest Avenue. The City <br />