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Minutes <br />Hugo, Minnesota Parks and Recreation Open Space Commission Meeting <br />August 13, 2003 <br />6:30 p.m. <br />Oneka Room — City Hall <br />Meeting Chair: Robyn LaCasse <br />Minutes By: John Rask <br />Present: Kitty Cheesebrow, Pete Pederson, Robyn LaCasse, David Strub, Kelly Bailly, John <br />Rask, Tom Weidt, Jennifer May, and Chris Petree <br />Absent: None <br />Copies To: Commission Members, Michele Lindau- Community Development Assistant, John <br />Rask - Community Development Director, Mike Ericson - City Administrator <br />I. Victor Gardens — Neighborhood Park Improvements <br />The Commission reviewed the proposed improvements to the neighborhood park in Victor <br />Gardens. Specifically, the Commission reviewed plans for the playground equipment, hard <br />courts, and other site improvements. Upon review and discussion, the Commission found <br />them to be acceptable, provided the applicant uses wood fiber in the playground area. <br />Discuss Rice Lake Park Property — Public Works Facility and Park Development <br />Chris Petree was present to update the Commission on the public works facility on the Rice <br />Lake Property. Chris informed the Commission that the Public Works Facility Committee <br />would be putting together a concept plan for the development of the park property, as well <br />as a potential future public works facility. The Facilities Committee includes members from <br />the Parks Commission. <br />III. Horseshoe Pits at the Water Tower Park <br />The Commission discussed the possibility of installing horseshoe pits at the Water Tower <br />Park. John Rask presented a typical layout for a horseshoe pit. Upon discussion the <br />matter, the Commission directed staff to assemble a cost estimate for the pits. <br />IV. Discussion of sidewalk policy and maintenance <br />Chris Petree was in attendance to discuss the need for the City to adopt a formal sidewalk <br />policy and maintenance schedule. Chris also discussed liability and costs associated with <br />sidewalks. After discussing the issue, the Commission recommended that staff put <br />together a draft policy for discussion at a future meeting. <br />Page 1 <br />