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Shayla Syverson, Parks Planner informed of the Gravel Tax funding through Washington <br />County. Recent changes in state statute on gravel pit taxation lead to this program and <br />Washington County is holding a workshop on May 25, 2010 to discuss funding options. <br />III. Further Discussion on a Skate Park at Lions Park <br />Shayla Syverson, Parks Planner presented to the Parks Commission and residents the <br />information collected from four vendors, a proposed concept plan and budget. The estimated <br />time line of construction completion is August or September of 2010. <br />Taylor made a motion, Birch seconded to approved the staff recommended concept plan and <br />budget. <br />All Aye. Motion Carried. <br />Erik Frolan, from Plywood Benders gave a presentation on his product. He provided literature, <br />material samples, equipment option to consider and diagrams providing layout suggestions. <br />The Commission discussed the options for materials, layout, and warranties offered by the <br />different vendors with the residents. <br />Larsen made a motion, Schmidt seconded to select American Ramp Company as the vendor. <br />Birch asked at this time to have it noted that local companies which are available to supply the <br />product are important and should be considered. <br />Aye: Roger Clarke, Derek Larsen, Mat Rauschendorfer, Jim Taylor <br />Nay: Kris Birch, Noel Schmidt <br />Motion Carried. <br />IV. Discussion on Marketing <br />Shayla Syverson, Parks Planner had the opportunity to discuss the flyer and/or advertisement <br />ideas with the Citizen newspaper. <br />Larsen made a motion, Clarke seconded to negotiate with the Citizen and offer up to $1000 for <br />advertisement cost to market the parks offered in the city to the community. <br />All Aye. Motion Carried. <br />V. Update on Parks and Recreation Programming Sub -Committee <br />Shayla Syverson, Parks Planner updated that there was no meeting for the Sub -Committee this <br />evening and no recent developments until City Council meets on May 17, 2010. If City Council <br />approves staffing cost/supplies/equipment for the teen program then the next phase is <br />determining the program roll out. <br />