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Scott Anderson, Public Works Director, stated that repairs are needed along Finale Avenue and <br />that the future road project would include curb and gutter. <br />Tom Windisch made a motion, Berger seconded to approve the land dedication of 2.11 acres <br />with the balance of the park dedication to be met with fees. <br />All Ayes. <br />Motion carried. <br />III. 2014 Goals <br />Shayla Syverson, Parks Planner, presented a draft of the 2014 goals of the Parks, Recreation, <br />and Open Space Commission, following Commission discussion at the November meeting. <br />The Parks Commission made minimal changes to the goals drafted. <br />Taylor made a motion, Windisch seconded to approve the goals with the changes discussed. <br />All Ayes. <br />Motion Carried. <br />IV. 2014 Capital Improvement Planning <br />Shayla Syverson, Parks Planner presented the draft 2014-2018 Capital Improvement Plan to <br />discuss and make revisions as needed. <br />All Park Commission members discussed Irish Avenue Park, Lions Park and other items on the <br />CIP to identify priorities and which projects to fund. <br />Taylor made a motion, Rauschendorfer seconded to approve the 2014-2018 Capital <br />Improvement Plan with amendments. <br />All Ayes. <br />Motion Carried <br />Scott Anderson, Public Works Director updated on water reuse programs and how they could <br />be incorporated with future park improvements. <br />VI. Adjournment <br />Strub made a motion, Berger seconded to adjourn the meeting at 9:12 pm. <br />