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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for May 16, 2016 <br /> Page 6of8 <br /> where Leitz spoke to the Council about a solar subscription RFP through the Met Council that <br /> the City joined in 2015. She stated that the City had been paired with Geronimo Energy and <br /> given the opportunity to subscribe to a solar garden. In return, the City would receive a bill <br /> credit on its energy bill. The Council had questions regarding the contract and other background <br /> information on the company. Staff had provided the Council with supplemental information on <br /> the solar subscription, including the contract, and asked Council for feedback on whether the <br /> City should continue to move forward and subscribe to the garden. Leitz explained that the solar <br /> subscription was for just the Met Council RFP lottery results, 38%of total use, but the City <br /> could negotiate a subscription for another solar farm that Geronimo is proposing for up to 100%. <br /> Any contract would need to be evaluated further by the City Attorney if the response is to <br /> continue through the process. <br /> Petryk said she could see no negative side of solar energy. She noted the infrastructure would be <br /> in Scandia. Leitz added that the site was an old gravel pit and the solar farm in that location is <br /> being accepted by the City and residents of Scandia. <br /> Miron asked if we would just go back to the regular rate if solar was no longer available. Leitz <br /> confirmed that was correct. <br /> Klein stated he could see no reason to not move forward and wondered if there was a way to <br /> offer solar to the rest of the City. Leitz responded that the solar companies look to get 75% from <br /> large organizations then will offer it to other parties. <br /> Weidt stated he was comfortable with the RFP results to use solar energy for 38% of the City's <br /> total use. <br /> Weidt made motion, Petryk seconded to direct staff to move forward with contract negotiations <br /> with Geronimo. <br /> All Ayes. Motion carried. <br /> Update on the Yellow Ribbon Network <br /> Council Member Phil Klein updated Council on the City of Hugo's Yellow Ribbon Network <br /> activities. The YRN will provide funds and volunteers for a family day luncheon. They <br /> supported a Hugo sailor and family during a deployment to Afghanistan along with Stillwater <br /> Motors, who provided them Twins tickets. The YRN was able to locate a Doula for a military <br /> wife while her husband is deployed. A Hugo family is looking for child care for the summer. <br /> Marilyn Stromberg and Barb Connelly purchased items for marriage retreat baskets, and Dunn <br /> Brothers donated coffee. The YRN provided postage to mail pillows. Refreshments were <br /> provide at a family day event. Funds were spent on hotel and transportation for a wife whose <br /> husband was having surgery and the daughter is deployed. Washington County Sheriff's <br /> Department donated wish list items for soldiers in Kuwait. The YRN is supporting Military kids <br /> to attend National Guard Camp this summer. Planning has begun for the 15th Welcome Home <br /> Pheasant Hunt. <br />