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Planning Commission <br />April 28, 2016 <br />Page 4 <br />Mr. Kettler stated that he has been working with staff and he understands what the exteriors should look like. <br />He stated that there will be a variety or both horizontal and vertical batten boards, shakes, brick or stone, <br />different colored sidings, gables, etc. <br />Chair Kleissler asked if the materials will be carried throughout all sides of the home. <br />Mr. Kettler stated that the materials and colors will be on all sides of the home and there will be a coordination <br />between all sides. <br />Juba stated that she has discussed with applicant that there needs to be a variety of materials, colors, and <br />architectural elements carried throughout all sides of the buildings. She understands that the different elevations <br />proposed will lend hand to the architecture that can be done on the homes and is comfortable to continue to <br />work with the applicant on those designs. She stated that it will be necessary to get something more detailed <br />before it goes to the City Council and Final Plat. <br />Commissioner McRoberts asked about the cost range of these homes. <br />Mr. Kettler stated that he hopes to market these homes for right around $300,000. <br />Commissioner McRoberts asked if there is a date of completion for the project. <br />Mr. Kettler stated that he believes the entire project will take around 2.5 years. <br />Chair Kleissler asked if there has been any consideration into screening the condenser units. <br />Mr. Kettler stated that they will be using shrubbery to screen those from view. <br />Chair Kleissler inquired as to the condition regarding the mailbox area. <br />Mr. Kettler stated that he has one area currently planned for a mailbox area with a pergola and some nice <br />landscaping. He said that he needs to check in with the post office to see what they would require for a <br />development this size and if one area for mail would suffice. He stated that if the post office requires another <br />mailbox, it would need to be planned into the site. <br />Chair Kleissler asked the applicant if he knew where the second location for the mailbox would be if the post <br />office requires him to have another. <br />Mr. Kettler stated that the post office is pretty strict in their requirements and would generally tell him exactly <br />where it would need to go. They would plan around that. <br />Commissioner Rosenquist made a motion, Commissioner Patzner seconded, to recommend approval of the <br />preliminary plat and PUD amendment subject to the conditions listed in the resolutions and addition of retaining <br />the existing trees on the northern most boundary of the property. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Adiournment <br />