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i <br /> Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for July 18,2016 <br /> Page 3 of 5 <br /> The Council discuss other methods available to residents who were experiencing health <br /> situations,and generally felt zoning issues are best controlled at a local level. The City has the <br /> ability to provide housing for those with needs. The Council agreed the City has carefully <br /> crafted neighborhoods, and permitting these types of dwellings would be out of character with <br /> what is in Hugo. <br /> Weidt made motion,Klein seconded,to direct staff to draft an ordinance to opt out of the statute <br /> to provide temporary health care dwellings. j <br /> All Ayes. Motion carried. j <br /> i <br /> Discussion on Concent Plan for Terre De L'eau <br /> Excelsior Group, LLC,had requested review and comments on a sketch plan for 296 residential <br /> lots on 197.5 acres generally located north of 1301'Street, east of TH61 and the Country Ponds <br /> development. Planner Rachel Juba presented the plan to the Council explaining the gross density <br /> of the proposed project would be 1.5 units per acre and the net density would be 2.5. An <br /> Environmental Assessment Worksheet would be required and approval of zoning change from <br /> R-3 to PUD to allow flexibility on lot width, lot sizes,and setbacks. The plan included the use of ' <br /> the City owned outlot for a passive park area, stormwater pond, and trails. Rachel informed the <br /> Council the Planning Commission and Parks Commission have reviewed and provided informal <br /> comments to the developer at their meetings in June and July. <br /> The Council's comments included the desire to preserve trees,use of the City owned outlot, <br /> concern over the design of the roadway through the development,desire to encourage traffic <br /> from the development to use 1301i Street, appreciation for proposing a stormwater reuse project, <br /> and whether a community center was being considered. <br /> Ben Schmidt, Excelsior Group,responded to comments stating they took into consideration <br /> preserving trees,and they would rather put the money into parks than a community center. <br /> There would be a master homeowners association and sub associations. He explained the type of <br /> product they were proposing to build and shared concerns regarding the streets. He stated he <br /> was excited to work with staff and thinks it will be a good project. <br /> The Council were generally pleased with the project,liked the open space and the stormwater <br /> management, and felt the housing type was in demand. It was also stated that there needed to be <br /> improvements to 13011 Street as part of the project. <br /> Yellow Ribbon Network Update <br /> Council Members Chuck Haas and Phil Klein reported Council on the City of Hugo's Yellow <br /> Ribbon Network activities. There will be a golfing outing next month with proceeds going to the <br /> YRN. Haas talked about the upcoming pheasant hunt and the packing event scheduled for July <br /> 30, 2016, and a $1,800 donation from Mark Schwope. The YRN responded to a request from a <br /> new mother that was answered by the Blue Star Moms. <br />