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Minutes for the NE Water Summit on February 18, 2016 <br />Page 3 of 4 <br />Met Council Environmental Services Ali Elhassan gave an update on the USGS groundwater and <br />surface water study, which started three years ago and is to give them a better understanding of <br />lake levels versus groundwater. Field data has been collected. A model is being created to <br />provide information to state agencies. Once the model is totally complete, they can run scenarios <br />related to augmentation. <br />Another study being done will identify the quantity of stormwater available in northeast Metro, <br />as well as where the best locations are for groundwater recharge. Twelve percent of the <br />northeast metro groundwater is used for industrial purposes. Analysis of 100+ industries showed <br />that 18 of them use 90% of water for that reason, and they plan on targeting those industries. <br />Elhassen also talked about the Metropolitan Council Water Efficiency Grant program for water <br />reuse and conservation. There were 19 applications and 19 grants given. Grants are typically <br />used for appliance replacements to conserve water. It was noted that the City of Hugo received a <br />grant for $50,000, and Winona and the Minnesota Zoo have also received grants. They are <br />looking to provide more grant funds in the next year and hope it will be an annual grant. <br />Rice Creek Watershed District Update <br />Rice Creek Watershed District Administrator Phil Belfiori highlighted water reuse projects, <br />including Oneka Ridge Golf Course project, St. Anthony Central Park reuse, and Centerville <br />Lamotte Pond reuse system. He provided a multitude of benefits related to these types of <br />projects. <br />Belfiori talked about the Stormwater Reuse Irrigation Assessment Tool saying they were <br />developing it using Legacy Funds. The tool should be completed by the end of this year. The <br />end result will be a "Top10" list for preliminary technical evaluation and available for use <br />statewide. <br />The District was evaluating the permitting process with reuse in mind and a stormwater urban <br />remediation cost share program with an emphasis on reuse. They are also looking for other reuse <br />incentive programs and working on feasibility assessment collaboration with the Met Council so <br />that what Met Council is doing can be leveraged by RCWD. <br />Discussion on Formalizing a Coalition <br />Hugo City Administrator Bryan Bear talked about the benefits related to the I-35 W/E Coalition <br />and asked if there was any interest in creating a similar group. Mayor Weidt requested that <br />each City discuss the issue and come back to the next meeting with an opinion. Bear stated that <br />Hugo will draft an agreement and email it to the all cities for consideration. <br />Updates from Others <br />The City of Lino Lakes is working on a reuse project. Forest Lake is participating in the rebate <br />program using grant money. Scandia is working with some businesses on conservation efforts. <br />