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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for August 15,2016 <br /> Page 4 of 7 <br /> Approve Resolution Approving Final Plat and Development Agreement for Clearwater <br /> Cove 3rd Addition <br /> D.R. Horton had requested approval of a final plat in order to plat 14 residential lots and 1 outlot <br /> on a ten acre parcel located south of Frenchman Road(CSAR 8) and east of Everton Avenue <br /> North. The site is currently a vacant outlot. The final plat will plat 14 lots from the approved <br /> Clearwater Cove preliminary plat. There were no changes to the lots from the preliminary plat. <br /> The lots met the minimum lot standards and requirements outlined in the regulations for the <br /> Clearwater Cove PUD. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved RESOLUTION 2016 <br /> APPROVING A FINAL PLAT AND DEVLEOPMENT AGREEMENT FOR D.R. HORTON, <br /> INC.—MINNESOTA FOR CLEARWATER COVE 3'd ADDITION. <br /> Approve Resignation of Administrative Intern Tavlor Richter <br /> Taylor Richter was hired on December 21,2015 at the Administrative Intern. Taylor recently <br /> accepted a position with the City of Maple Plain and will begin employment on August 23,2016. <br /> Mayor Weidt removed this from the Consent Agenda to talk about the successful intern program <br /> the City has and to congratulate Taylor. Taylor explained she has been hired as the assistant to <br /> the city administrator in Maple Plain,and she thanked Council for the opportunity to work in <br /> Hugo. <br /> Weidt made motion, Klein seconded,to approve the resignation of Administrative intern Taylor <br /> Richter effective August 19,2016. <br /> All Ayes. Motion carried. <br /> Public Hearing on the Vacation of Easement over Oudot H.Clearwater Cove <br /> Planner Rachel Juba explained that D.R. Horton requested to vacate the existing drainage and <br /> utility easement located over Outlot H,Clearwater Cove. The outlot would be used for the <br /> development of Clearwater Cove 3rd Addition,and new drainage and utility easements would be <br /> placed on the lots at the time the final plat is recorded. She stated that staff was comfortable with <br /> the applicant's requests to vacate the drainage and utility easements. <br /> Mayor Weidt opened the Public Hearing. There were no comments, and Weidt closed the public <br /> hearing. <br /> Miron made motion,Klein seconded,to approve the notice to vacate the drainage and utility <br /> easement located over Outlot H, Clearwater Cove. <br /> All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />